Chapter 6

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Fuck. Why would he like me? Many says that I'm charming, but I don't agree with that. I'm just some bastard who likes having sex. Fuck Taehyung. Looks like I won't be having sex for awhile unless I find another mate. Aish! I need some fresh air. I went outside the dormitory and went under a big tree. I missed this place. This is where I used to stay when I want to relax before. It has been a year since the last time I was here. "Hyung!" I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook running towards me. "What are you doing here hyung? Don't you have class?" He asked as he sat next to me. "I just wanted to relax and not mind about anything. And no I don't have classes today" I said as he nodded. "Is something bothering you?" He asked worriedly. "Y-yeah" I stuttered. "Tell me what's bothering you, I might be able to help you" He smiled. He's so precious. "It's your dorm mate" I started as looked at Jungkook. "Taehyung? What about him?" He asked curiously. "He confessed that he liked me ever since we first met" I sighed. "And then?" He asked as he went closer to me. "The problem is that I don't like him back. So now it'll be awkward for us to talk to each other" I said as I closed my eyes. "Ohh" He said as he leaned back on the tree. "Jungkook, would you mind if I call you Kookie sometimes?" I asked out of the blue. "Sure hyung!" He said he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. 'I think I'm starting to like you Kookie' I said in my mind and just relaxed.


Taehyung likes Jimin? What am I gonna do? I like Taehyung but he likes Jimin. Anyways, I need to be with Jimin most of the time for him to be happy. "Hyung, I need to go. My next class is about to start" I said as we broke the hug. He nodded as I stood up. "Bye hyung! See you!" I said as we waved goodbye to each other. I ran back to the back to the campus and went to my next class.



After the last class, a certain someone spoke on the school's microphone (A/N: Sorry I don't know what it's called)

After the last class, a certain someone spoke on the school's microphone (A/N: Sorry I don't know what it's called)

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"What's up guys! It's been a while since the last time I spoke here. Anyways, I know that you all know what I'm about to say. We're gonna have a..." He said as everyone around me screamed. "Party!" They all screamed while there's a huge question mark above my head not knowing what they're talking about. "That's right! A party in the usual location! 8 pm don't be late so you won't miss the fun! Don't forget to bring someone with you" He said as everyone cheered because of joy while I'm still clueless. I walked down the corridors when suddenly, someone called me. "Kookie!" I turned my head and saw Jimin running towards me. "Have you heard what Namjoon said?" He said out of excitement. "Who's Namjoon?" I asked curiously. "Right, you don't know him. He's the one who's speaking on the school's microphone awhile ago. He used to be the one who always throws a party here at school, but he suddenly stopped it, yet he's back at it again!" He said with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Ohh. So that's why everyone was happy" I said as he nodded. "So wanna go to the party? He did say that we shouldn't forget to bring someone along right?"He asked. Me going to a party? I don't think so. But I don't want to reject his offer. I don't drink, I don't dance, and most especially, I'm not a party-animal. Oh well. "Well.. err..umm.. S-sure?" I stuttered. "Great! I'll pick you up from your dorm room at 7:30 okay?" He said out of excitement. "W-what about Taehyung? He's m-my dorm mate right?" I asked worriedly thinking about what might happen when they see each other. "What about him? I don't care if we're gonna be awkward" He said while still smiling but I can tell that it's fake. "What am I gonna do at the party? I don't drink, I don't dance, because I'm not a party-animal or something" I said which made him think of something. "Well, you can just talk with some of my friends there which includes Namjoon" He smiled as I nodded. "Anyways I need to go. 7:30 okay?" He said as he hugged me and waved goodbye to each other. I'm gonna regret this.


"What's up guys! It's been a while since the last time I spoke here. Anyways, I know that you all know what I'm about to say. We're gonna have a..." He said as I heard all of the students screamed. "Party!" They all screamed. So, Namjoon's back at it again. I'm going to that party. I want to drink and have some fun to forget about what happened. I can fuck as many as I want there anyways. I looked at my watch to check what time it is. It's 6 pm, party starts at 8 so looks like I still have time to sleep. I went to my room and was shocked to see Jungkook sleeping on my bed. Right. I just remembered that I told him to use my bed while I'll be using the couch. He looks angelic when he's asleep.

Well, my bed is large enough for two persons, and I do want to sleep comfortably before preparing for the party

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Well, my bed is large enough for two persons, and I do want to sleep comfortably before preparing for the party. Well, I'll just gently lay down next to him without waking him up. I walked towards my bed and gently laid down next to him. When I was about to fall asleep, I felt him faced my back and wrapped one of his arms around my waist which made me shocked, but I didn't mind about it and slept.


A/N: Hey Armys! New UD here! I just want to say sorry for not updating these past 5 days. I was just busy with school works. And I think I will only update during weekends because I'm sure that I'm gonna be busy with school works every weekdays. Gosh. I was working with this chapter since morning! But because of fangirling, I got distracted and forgot that I'm working on this. In case that I won't be busy on any day, I will try my best to post a new chapter. And Happy Birthday to our fluff ball of sunshine, J-Hope!

 And Happy Birthday to our fluff ball of sunshine, J-Hope!

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That's all I wanted to say

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That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!


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