Chapter 5

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"May I know what's your name?" I asked. "Oh I'm sorry!" He apologized as he cleared his throat. "I'm your hope, I'm your angel, J-hope!" He said joyfully. "My name is Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hoseok or J-hope or Hobi" He smiled. "Nice to meet you J-hope. My name is Park Jimin, but you can just call me Jimin" I smiled as we shook hands. "Are you feeling okay now? Are you still gonna cry?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah, I feel much better. Thanks hyung for keeping me company" I said. "No problem! But you need to go back to your room to rest. I should also get some rest" He does looked tired. I nodded as we both headed to opposite directions. I went inside my room and let out a deep sigh as I fell asleep.

*Next day*


As I woke up, I yawned and smiled because it's already morning. When I was just about to stand up, I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to see who was next to me. Taehyung. *dugdug dugdug* Why is he hugging me? Was he hugging me the whole time? I don't want to disturb his nap so I gently lifted his arm away and stood up quietly making sure to not wake him up. I did my morning routine and went outside the dormitory to have breakfast. As I walked in the pastry shop where me and Jimin-hyung first ate together yesterday, I saw him talking with someone who I don't know. He saw me and smiled widely. "Jungkook-ah!" He yelled my name asking me to join them. I walked towards them and shyly sat down. "What do you want to order? We just got here so we were just about to order" Jimin-hyung asked. "The ones that I had yesterday" I smiled shyly. "Okay! What about you hyung?" He asked to the guy he's with. "Black forest cake and Coffee jelly"He smiled. "Okay be right back in a few minutes! Why don't you introduce each other?" He asked as he walked towards the counter. I looked at him shyly, not knowing what to do or say. "You seem very shy today! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, J-hope! My name is Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hoseok or J-hope or Hobi" He introduced himself with a wide smile on his face. "N-nice to meet you Hobi-hyung. My name is Jeon Jungkook, but you can just call me Jungkook" I smiled as we shook hands. "So now that we know each other, would you mind telling me why you're so shy?" He asked out of curiosity. "I don't make any friends at school that's why I'm not used to it" I said shyly. "Well at least you have friends now! It's me and Jimin!" He said gladly pulling me into a hug. "T-thanks hyung" I said while blushing. "Well looks like you're getting along already!" Jimin-hyung chuckled as he put down our orders on the table. We started to dig in to our food and talked with each other. "So hyungs, how and when did you met each other?" I asked out of curiosity looking at the two of them. "Well, we met last night because I saw Jimin cr-" Hobi-hyung wasn't able to finish his sentence since Jimin-hyung covered his mouth. "It's nothing Jungkook" Jimin-hyung smiled and continued eating his food. "Because I saw him crying" Hobi-hyung whispered but is still clear enough for me to hear. "He cried last night?!" I asked worriedly, err yelled? "Yeah. I was just about to go inside the dormitory but then I saw him crying so I got worried and approached him" He smiled as he looked at Jimin-hyung. "It's nothing, don't mind it" He said as I nodded my head. After finishing our food, we went back to the dormitory. "I need to go now for my first class, bye!" Hobi-hyung said as he ran away. There was an awkward silence. "So hyung, did you cry because of the same thing you cried about yesterday?" I asked worriedly. "Y-yes" He said as I saw tears forming in his eyes. I hugged him to show him that I'll be here for him. He hugged me back and started sobbing. "Shh. It's okay hyung, I'm here okay? Cheer up" I comforted him as I patted his back softly. After a few minutes, he stopped sobbing and looked directly on my eyes. "Thank you Jungkook-ah. Even though this is just our 2nd day as friends, you were like my best friend already" He smiled as he gave me a hug which I gladly hugged back.

But neither of them knew that someone was watching them. Taehyung.

As Jungkook went to his first class, Jimin went to his room and sat on the couch.


"Shh. It's okay hyung, I'm here okay? Cheer up" He comforted him as he patted his back softly. After a few minutes, he stopped sobbing and looked directly on Jungkook's eyes. "Thank you Jungkook-ah. Even though this is just our 2nd day as friends, you were like my best friend already" He smiled as he gave him a hug which he gladly hugged back. How come Jimin is letting Jungkook to comfort him? They only met yesterday but they're already close?! I need to talk with this bastard. As Jimin went inside his room, I went in too quietly. "Hey bastard! We need to talk!" I yelled making him shocked. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled back. "How come you're letting Jungkook comfort you?! You just met yesterday, but we already met a few years ago! Yet you're not letting me comfort you?! Like what the fuck?!" I yelled furiously. "Like I even care! You're not my boyfriend for me to let you comfort me whenever you want!" He said which made my blood boil. "And what about Jungkook huh?! He's also not your boyfriend yet you're letting him comfort you! It hurts me Jimin!" I yelled as tears streaming down my cheeks. "Why are you suddenly reacting like this? Don't you remember that you're only my sex mate?! We don't even like each other right?" He asked. Only a sex mate? Hahaha! I was just a sex mate! "Can't you see Jimin?! I fucking like you! Why would I agree to have sex with you if I didn't like you?" I yelled, still trying to hold back my tears. His eyes widened. "Stop whatever you're feeling for me. I thought you were smart enough to know that you were just my sex mate and a friend" He said coldly and walked out leaving me in his room. As soon as he left the room, I let my tears stream down my cheeks. I sobbed for a few minutes to let out the pain inside of me. Fuck. I hate this. After crying, I wept my tears and walked back to my room to rest.


A/N: Hi Armys! So just like what I said in the previous chapter, I'm also gonna post a new chapter in the same day! I'm sorry if it took long for me to publish a new chapter. Anyways, please look forward for the next chapter! Thank you!


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