Boardwalk Talk

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"Bryan could you please tell those stupid construstion workers to quiet down!" My mother yelled to my father in annoyance not wanting to be distracted from the latest designs she's been working on.

My brother and I looked at each other in amusement.

"Mom I don't think they can help it, they are building a whole community of houses" my brother said holding back a laugh

"Yes they can, they just want to terrorize those of us who already live here" she grumbled

I rolled my eyes "I'm sure you will be happy when the new neighbors come, think of all the other mothers who might come. Plus whoever has enough money to build a whole community of houses has to be pretty cool" I said with a smile

"And rich" my dad added walking into the room

"We're rich too" my brother said arrogantly

My mother and I threw pillows at him in unison.

"Always stay humble young grasshopper" my dad said wisely

We all froze looking at him in confusion

"Plus your mother and I are the only people who are rich, you 2 are broke" he said gesturing to my brother and I. I laughed knowing my father could not be serious for more than 2 minutes

"Actually Jace is the only one who is broke, I have a job" I said

"Since when?" my mother asked while my brother shot me a playful glare

"Since Emily's mom needed an extra hand at the dinner" I said with a smile

"Lucky, I need a best friend whose parents will employ me" Jason said

We all looked at him laughing. Just as my father is the most non serious parent, my brother is the laziest person in the city.

"That wasn't a joke" he pouted

"Oh cheer up, why don't you do chores around here maybe mom and dad will pay you" I said throwing my arms around his waist snuggling into his side

"Yeah like that will happen, Amber you know I don't clean" he said

"And that's why you're broke" I said standing up as I heard my phone ringing upstairs in my room

"Whatever, I'm going over to Ash's, I'll be back for dinner" he said standing and following me out of the room

"Liar" I said with a smile once we were out of hearing span

"I'll tell them when I'm ready" he said blushing slightly

"Jace, it's been 2 years having a girlfriend is not a big deal" I said with a soft smile "But I still want to meet her" I added

"After school tomorrow, she has been begging to meet you too" he said smiling at the thought of her

I beamed "Great, have fun and tell her I can't wait to meet her too"

He nodded walking out of the front door. I ran up to my room remembering that my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" my best friend Emily said when I called her back

"Hey Em what's up?" I asked

"I'm bored, the new people are moving in tomorrow and you have good food at your house so I'm on my way" she said before hanging up

I smiled throwing my phone towards my bed. Emily and I have been best friends for as long as I could remember. We are treated like sisters by everyone we know and practically live at each other's houses.

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