The Reception

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Crowns were placed upon Sebastian and I's heads as we turned towards the audience. They looked back up at us and it was as if a ripple effect went off starting at the front and moving towards the back, everyone fell to one knee followed by a resounding boom as everyone hit their chests with their fists.

Bri pushed against the barrier wanting to take control and I immediately let her. She glanced at Sebastian to see Eclipse looking down at her.

They both turned looking out over the crowd before closing their eyes and releasing an aura. I didn't know what mine did but Sebastian's made me feel extremely protected.

We descended from the stage hand and hand and as we passed them they rose to their feet erupting in cheers.

Bri gave me back control and I looked down the front row searching for Taniah. When I saw her she had her head down sadly thinking we were leaving her again. Cory nudged her pointing to me. She looked up with hope filled eyes.

I smiled gesturing her to come with us. She ran full speed over causing Sebastian and I to laugh as she jumped into his arms. He picked her up settling her on his hip in between us and I kissed her cheek.

We then went inside past all of the guests and up to our room. We all collapsed onto the bed, me taking a bit more time to do so due to my huge dress.

I let my smile drop and massaged my sore cheeks. "You ok?" Sebastian asked

"I'm superb" I said grinning straining my sore cheeks

"Hey mommy guess what!" Taniah said jumping on the bed in between us

"What is it princess Taniah?" I asked catching her as she lost her balance

"Cory said he will train me like a warrior if you and daddy say it's ok!" She said "can he pleeeese?" She asked

"Of course" I said after glancing at Sebastian's approving expression

"YES! It's my birthday, it's my birthday" She began chanting over and over doing her happy dance

Sabastian grabbed her holding her in the air above him while he laid on his back. "Niah who told you I was your daddy?" He asked her with a smile

She thought about it making me stifle my laughter at her cute little pouty thinking face.

"Well my real daddy is your daddy too, but he doesn't take care of me or love me like you and mommy and now you married to my mommy forever so you're my brother and my daddy!" She said happily

I saw a tear slip out of the side of his eye at her explanation as he laid her on his chest hugging her tightly. "I love you so much" he whispered to her

I smiled at the sight of them, Bri overjoyed as the love of our life accepted our pup with literal open arms.

"I love you too, and mommy" Taniah said

They both opened their arms bringing me into their hug "I love you both to the moon and back" I said

"And farther than that" Sebastian finished smiling cheekily

He leaned down capturing my lips with his own kissing me deeply causing sparks to shoot through my body as if it were the first time.

"Eww mommy you're getting boy germs!" She said

Sebastian chuckled pulling away "Don't worry she's immune to them by now they won't hurt her" he told her

We all laughed as someone knocked on the door before entering. All of our friends came in happily with glasses of champagne in their hands.

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