Principal's Office and Accidents

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"You ever been in that forest?" Emily asked looking out my window into our backyard which lead into a forest that's scary as fuck.

"Ha, funny I like my life" I said

"What's the worst that could happen you find a bunny?" she asked laughing at her own joke

"Or a wild animal" I said rolling my eyes

"Come on lets sleep at my house, we have school tomorrow anyway" she said

I nodded grabbing the clothes I picked out to wear to school along with my phone.

"Alright lets go" I said

Katie had left a while ago promising to see us at school an everyone else retired to their rooms for the night.

As we walked down the street to Emily's house I felt something watching us.

"I don't know why you brought that, half of the things in my room are yours" she said gesturing to my bag

"My room is the same way" I said rolling my eyes "Plus I'm wearing this to school tomorrow"

We walked into her house to see both of her parents snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. I said hello to them before we both went up to Emily's room. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into my pajamas before climbing into bed beside Emily.

"Night Am" she said

"Night Em" I replied

I woke up to the sound of my ring tone blaring. Soon after my phone hit me in the face, thrown by the one and only Emily Carter.

"Hello?" I asked drowsily

"Hey Amber it's Pete" he said

"What do you want?" I asked looking at the time "It's 4 am" I said

"Oh sorry, I just wanted to know if you still go to the same school" he said

"What? yeah, yeah I do" I said trying to focus on what he was saying to keep from falling asleep

"Oh alright then I'll see you there" he said hanging up the phone

Too tired to question his weird motives I fell back asleep and continued my dream about exploring in the forest.

The next time I woke up Emily was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

"Amber get up we have 20 minutes!" she said

I immediately jumped up, running to the bathroom brushing my teeth, combing my hair and putting on my clothes. I ran around trying to find shoes that went with my black skirt with buttons down the front and plane white baggy crop top. I finally found a pair of heels that were comfortable enough to walk around in all day. Not having time for makeup, I put some lip gloss on and went downstairs with Emily right behind me.

I grabbed an apple off the counter stuck it in my mouth and together we went outside. I got into the passenger seat of Emily's Black Toyota Camry and she quickly drove us to school. When we got out people looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" Is something wrong with me?" I asked Emily

Her eyes widened and she pulled my arm "Who hit you!" she yelled

"What nobody! What are you talking about?" I asked

"You have a bruise on your face" she said

Turning to look in the rear view mirror of the car I saw a light purple bruise forming on my left cheek.

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