Day 2~ Poison

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"Rise and shine princess" Sebastian said as I opened my eyes

I looked down at our naked bodies fitting together perfectly and blushed "Good morning" I said reluctantly pulling away from him and standing up

With my tangled bed hair, unbrushed teeth, and reaking of chlorine I felt highly unattractive although with the way his eyes are roaming my body you'd think I just descended from heaven.

I walked to the bathroom putting an extra sway in my step teasing my mate. When I glanced at him over my shoulder he was gripping the sheets and his 'friend' had definitely woken up.

I giggled turning on the shower and brushing my teeth while it heated up. Sebastian walked in shortly after and did the same. The entire time our eyes never left each others bodies. When the room began to get steamy we both got in the shower and washed each other without a word spoken.

When we both had finished the sexual tension was at an all time high but I knew this was as far as we would go for now so forced my eyes upwards to his face, pecked his cheek and walked out wrapping myself in a fluffy towel and heading for the closet.

I knew he would be in there for a bit longer, 'shaking the creamer' if you know what I mean.

I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top adding my leather jacket since the weather is much colder here than in Cali.

After I was dressed I went downstairs and saw some of the people in my group preparing breakfast in their pajamas. I went over and began helping and as more people in my group came down already dressed they began helping, while the early risers left to get ready for the day and we finished everything else up.

We set the food up buffet style since many pack members were already awake and eagerly waiting to eat.

Sebastian came down and made his group get up and start helping but I told them not to bother since it was our job and my group agreed.

After everyone sat down and ate to their hearts content I gathered my group up and split them into 2 teams. 1 team was going to stay here and begin prepping some of the meat and sides for this weekend, and cook lunch when it's time, and the other team was going to come with me and go shopping again.

"Luna how many should we make lunch for?" one of the guys said

"Everyone except for the half that's going with me, we'll pick up lunch while we're out and be back before dinner" I said

They nodded and went off to clean up from breakfast and get started.

"I'll go get our keys, you guys change into some comfy shoes" I said

They nodded and with that I was alone

I walked over to where Sebastian was talking to his group "I want the females to stay in the area we covered yesterday while the males go out and clear the rest" he said

I frowned at the some of the females' disappointed faces.

"Uh Seb can I talk to you real quick?" I asked

"Sure babe" he said walking with me off to the side where he could still keep an eye on his group

"Why can't the females go with you guys?" I asked

"Because they might get hurt babe" he said

"Anyone can get hurt out there, just because they're girls doesn't mean they're at any more risk than the males are. They were put in you're group for a reason, each and every one of them are warriors who are perfectly capable of handling a rogue" I said crossing my arms over my chest

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