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Hey all! So fair warning ⚠️ this chapter is basically just Amber and Sebastian having sex, you could totally skip this chapter and still be caught up with the story.

P.S. I'm not that good at sex scenes so... fair warning

"Hehe... hi" I said as he gently set me down on the bed

"Hello beautiful" Sebastian said in a husky voice

I stood up on the bed making us eye to eye since he's that much taller than me, and he grabbed my waist afraid I'd fall.

"What's 58 multiplied by 6?" He asked me

"348" I said running my fingers through his soft hair

"How many letters in the alphabet?" He asked

"26" I said

"Spell your name" he said

"A-M-B-E-R-L-Y-N space R-O-S-E-M-A-R-I-E space O apostrophe D-O-N-N-E-L-L" I said with a smile

He matched it pecking my lips "Amber do you want to have sex with me?" He asked

"Yes. I. Do." I said letting my dress pool around my feet

He took a step back letting his eyes trail my body hungrily. "Mine" he whispered as his eyes met mine again

"Yours" I agreed

He quickly grabbed my legs wrapping them around his waist as he kissed me hungrily. I pulled away kissing down his neck as he laid on his back.

A low growl sounded from his chest as he pulled my hips closer to him. I smirked knowing that was where I was supposed to mark him.

I gently licked sucked and bit lightly at the base of his neck while unbuttoning his dress shirt and trailing my fingers down his muscular chest. 

He flipped us over once I looked down at him proud of the purple love bite forming on his neck.

Both of our arousals filled the air with a sweet scent that was no doubt uniquely us.

There was no doubt in my mind that his grip around my hips would leave bruises but I couldn't bring myself to care as he took off his shirt and trailed kisses down my stomach.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair as I felt one of his hands leave my waist only to travel up my back expertly unhooking my bra. I took it off leaning up and kissing his lips as he looked down at me with complete love and lust.

I arched my back against him pressing my chest into his causing him to stiffen and shudder beneath me.

I let one of my hands leave his chest so I could tease his eager member. He shivered under my touch and I unbuckled his pants to which he immediately kicked to the ground.

His member sprang up and I lightly touched it wiping away the pre cum that moistened the tip.

"No underwear, seriously Seb?" I asked him teasingly as I slowly moved my hand up and down while my other massaged his balls

"Amber" he moaned and growled at the same time almost causing me to lose it

With one firm tug he ripped my underwear off of me leaving us both completely bare with the exception of shoes.

I released him walked over to the bedroom door causing my heels to click against the wooden floors with every step.

I locked to door ensuring that we wouldn't be disturbed and pulled the hair tie out of my hair causing it to cascade around my shoulders as Sebastian removed his dress shoes and socks

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