Amberlyn Rosemarie x2

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"Come on babe lets go to bed" Sebastian said over the intercom connecting our offices

I stood up clapping twice causing the lights to click off.

I walked into Sebastian's office as he picked up Taniah from her place on the couch and we all walked upstairs.

"Do you mind if she sleeps with us I don't feel right leaving her alone" he said

"It's fine Ashton" I said kissing his cheek and easing the stress lines on his forehead.

We walked into the bedroom and both got into the bed with Taniah in between us.

I fell asleep completely exhausted, my brain needing a break.

I woke up hours later next to Taniah who was curled into a ball sucking her thumb.

I brushed her hair away from her face and stood up streatching.

I walked over to the bedroom door locking it and walked into the bathroom leaving the door open. I took another quick shower and brushed my teeth before coming back out in my robe.

Taniah was just waking up and looked around the room in fear before she saw me.

"Good morning baby girl" I said

She smiled jumping out of bed and into my arms

"Come on help me pick out my outfit" I said

She ran to the closet and looked around.

"Which shirt?" I asked holding up a t shirt and a tank top

She chose the tank top and I paired it with shorts before grabbing my purse and phone and leading her to her own room.

Taniah went in to the bathroom and looked at me expectantly.

I followed her in placing her on the toilet before running a bath for her.

She finishes her business before jumping into the bubbles and splashing.

I jumped back before the water could get on me and she smiled

"Sorry" she said

I smiled telling her to hurry and wash herself while I picked out her clothes.

I chose a pair of blue jean shorts and a pink t shirt for her to wear all the while listening to her giggle every time she splashed and wondering just how much Sebastian spoiled her.

I poked my head inside the bathroom asking if she was finished. She nodded stepping out of the tub and I wrapped her in a towel. She put lotion on while I braided my hair to one side and put on her clothes.

"How do you want your hair?" I asked turning on Nick Jr and sitting her on her bed

"Like that" she said pointing to a girl on tv that had 2 pig tails with the ends curled

"Alright stay here I'll be right back" I said jogging to our room to get my curling iron.

I brought it back and began combing through her slightly tangled hair. Once it was straight and free of tangles it reached the middle of her back. I parted her hair down the middle and put it into 2 pig tails before telling her to hold very still. 

I quickly curled the ends not wanting to test her patience and end up burning her. Once I was finished I gave her some clear lip gloss to put on and showed her the mirror.

She squealed in delight, her hands automatically going to her curls. I put some holding spray on them so hopefully they would last longer.

"Alright now we're ready" I said handing her her sandals as I put in my own

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