Oh Brother!

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After we finished the guys said they were tired so we all went back to the castle.

When I entered a doctor rushed over to me taking my right hand in his and inspecting it.

I jumped away from him frowning and he looked up at me.

"Apologies princess but I need to check on your hand" he said at the exact moment my parents came out the house.

"Who was with her?" My dad asked angrily

"Dad calm down" I said not wanting to walk away from the doctor who was hard at work confirming I was ok but also not wanting him to yell at the guards

"What's going on?" My mother asked walking out the house

"Some pervert attacked Amber at the mall" my father growled walking over to me

"I was not attacked and I'm not hurt, the guy was just a stupid teenager" I said

No one seemed to have heard me as everything was still chaotic.

I looked down at the doctor who was on his knees assessing my body.

"I can assure you that I am fine" I told him

"Yes I know princess but I must make sure" he replied

"HEY!" Someone yelled causing everyone to shut up

"What happened today happens to all pretty girls, it's no big deal. As Amber keeps telling you all she's fine so there is no use of making a big fuss out of nothing" Jace said once he had everyone's attention

"Now can we please go to sleep?" I asked

My parents nodded and the doctor released his grip on my hand. Sebastian took it and we all went inside.

Once in our room I just took off my clothes and got into the bed.

"Babe I'm going down to Alex's room for a bit, I'll be back later" I heard Sebastian say from somewhere in the room

"Alright have fun" I said

He pecked me on the lips before leaving and closing the door behind him.

I fell asleep spread across the bed in the pure bliss of complete silence.

I'm guessing about an hour later I was woken up feeling someone's lips on mine.

"Sebastian go away I'm sleeping" I moaned sleepily pushing him away from me

"Are you sure?" He asked slipping a hand under the covers and gripping my bare hip.

"Seb what is wrong wi- AHHH!" I screamed when I saw Isaiah on top of me

"Shh baby doll your going to make everyone worried" he said kissing down my neck

"Isaiah get off I'm your sister!" I yelled trying to push him away

"Not really" he whispered putting his hand over my mouth

Finally getting my senses back I realized I still had 2 free arms and he reeked of alcohol. All the memories from jujitsu practice came back to me and I focused on my situation.

I chopped him in the throat distracting him long enough to push him off of me and into the floor. I grabbed one of Sebastian's t shirts not about to run through the hall of the castle in only my bra and underwear.

"You're mine!" Isaiah screamed grabbing me by my hair bringing me to the ground

I swiped my leg across the floor tripping him and used his momentum of going down to spring to my feet.

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