Shadow Pack

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It is now Sunday and it's hard to believe that I've visited every pack in the world.

Sebastian finally agreed to the idea of me leaving after hours of both me and Taniah constantly begging him. He still made an entire security detail and translators tag along even though I was naturally able to speak and comprehend every language known to man.

We've been gone for a week and 2 days and we are currently in a private jet on our way back to the pack. As much as I expected Taniah to eventually annoy me, she naturally acted similarly to me and was on her best behavior throughout the trip demonstrating good etiquette and catching on to the social cues pretty quickly. We've also gotten much closer as she's been asking as many questions as she could think of for days now.

"Mommy how long until we get there?" Taniah asked interrupting my thoughts

"About 20 minutes" I answered

"Luma do you need anything?" One of the guards asked asked poking his head in the room as he walked by

"Just a water thank you" I said

He nodded before quickly grabbing a water from the kitchen and bringing it back.

"I like flying on airplanes" Taniah commented looking out the window

"Pretty cool huh?" I asked

She nodded "we're not even falling or anything"

I laughed turning my attention to the tv which was currently playing Finding Dory.

"Please fasten your seatbelts we will be landing shortly" the pilot said over the intercom

Taniah and I stood, walking over to our actual seats and sitting down. Our security team surrounded us in their own seats as we landed as if an invisible force would come through the inoperable windows.

After we landed I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my purse heading towards the doors.

"Luna hold on a sec" the only security guy who talks to us said

I stopped walking looking at him "what's wrong?"

"If Alpha sees you exit this plane without us that will be our asses" he said making the rest of the team chuckle

"He's not that bad" I said with a smile realizing just how much I missed him this past week

"Yeah alright love bird come on" he said patting my head

We walked down the tunnel and into the airport all the while the team making fun of me jokingly.

"You guys are so mean to me" I said pouting

A deep rumble sounded stilling everyone. Looking up I saw Sebastian with a murderous look on his face.

"Ashton!" I said hugging him with a smile

His glare faltered as he wrapped his arms around me inhaling my scent and kissing my forehead.

"Babe what have they done?" He asked glaring at the security

"They protect us from bad people and have tea parties with me!" Taniah said making them blush

I pecked Sebastian's lips "They've been absolutely perfect we were just joking around on the way out" I explained before releasing him to allow Taniah to jump into his arms

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