Say what now?!

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"I think I would remember being kidnapped Jace" I said seriously

"Well you don't" Emily said

"And you do?" I asked her

She nodded "I was there"

"How?" I asked

"Sebastian is my cousin" she said

"You lived in the palace with us up until you were 10 then you were kidnapped by Sebastian's parents which is when you and Emily became friends. You lived with them for a year before you were rescued by the royal warriors and put in the custody of your aunt and uncle" Elijah said

Memories began replaying in my head. The night I was kidnapped I had a tea party with one of the maids in the bedroom Sebastian and I had shared at the castle.

I remembered being abused and raped by Sebastian's father. I remembered being best friends with Emily and all the other higher ranked wolves. I remembered being pregnant and giving birth to a little girl. I remembered the house being attacked and me being brought back to my family.

We have a daughter Bri said

"I'm going to be sick" I said standing and bolting out of the room and into the closest bathroom. I threw up into the toilet rinsing my face and mouth with cold water.

"How long?" I asked Sebastian knowing he was behind me

"How long what?" He asked

"How long have you known?" I asked

"Since the day I met you" he said quietly "That's why we approached you, we all recognized you"

I dried my face looking at him "did my parents know about her when they rescued me?"

He nodded "Isiah said the warriors had mind linked them telling them about Taniah"

"They left my daughter with him knowing the same thing could have happened to her" I asked angrily

"Amber please come back and let us finish" he said taking me into his arms

I pushed him away from me walking back into the room. I sat in my chair and ran my fingers through my hair.

Sebastian went to grab my hand and I flinched away from him. A hurt expression passed through his eyes before he covered it up.

"Seb you know I love you I just really don't want to be touched right now" I said

He nodded motioning for Alex to continue.

"A year later when Sebastian found out what really happened to you, at the age of 13 he challenged his father for the title and won making him our Alpha and he kicked them out of the pack. Each year on the anniversary of your kidnapping Sebastian's parents attack a pack looking for you. At first they used our warriors to do this but after they were kicked out they turned to criminal rogues to do their dirty work. Last year they had reached the last pack so this year they attacked all of them. The Luna bracelets... they knew you would have one and since your our Luna it would be white so they instructed the rogues to take all the Luna's since one of them was bound to either know where you were or be you" he said

"In the event that you were found, they promised you to the man who almost killed Alpha" Mario said

"So while I was living with my aunt and uncle..."

"They were hunting you down" Emily said

"And how do you play into this, other than being Sebastian's cousin?" I asked her

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