Football (American Style)

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Sebastian drove us to the castle and listened to me rant the whole way.

"I mean seriously! She leads me to the library and points me towards the book knowing that I thought I killed her and she has the AUDACITY to let me risk my life to bring her back!" I said as he parked the car "ya know what I mean?"

"Yes babe but what happened, happened and you can't change it. You brought your sister back to life and you didn't die. Now we're getting married in 2 days and I'd rather not spend today talking about your sister when after tonight I won't get to see you until the wedding!" He snapped

"I love you too" I told him with a smile gathering that's was what he meant by all of that "but you have to admit she was wrong"

"Amber! So were you, you didn't even talk to me first before risking your life! That could have killed me too and yes I'm pissed at your sister for not telling you everything but you told me absolutely nothing" he said getting out of the car and slamming his door shut

I got out quickly catching up to him "I'm sorry Seb, I didn't think about it like that" I said

"I know you didn't Am, you're an impulsive person when it comes to helping someone else and it's one of the things I love about you but I can't keep finding you unconscious and wondering if I'll ever see your beautiful eyes, or if I'll ever make that breathtaking smile grace your face again, or even kiss your soft lips... I can't lose you" he said

I stood on my tip toes wrapping my arm around his neck and kissing him. "I'm not going anywhere, and I promise next time something comes up you'll be the first person I talk to about it" I told him

"Why can't you be sweet like Sebastian!" Millie yelled at Evan

I turned around, and Sebastian looked up to see our friends standing there.

All the girls began nagging the guys and the guys looked helplessly up at us.

"Girls!" I said

They stopped yelling and looked at me "Do you want to see my dress or not?"

They nodded excitedly forgetting about the guys "I guess I'll see you later" I said to Sebastian

He nodded and the girls pulled me inside and towards the seamstresses room. The entire room was filled with dresses fit for any occasion, sewing machines, measuring tapes, and mannequins.

"My Queen, glad you're feeling better!" A woman said walking towards us and looking between Millie and I

"Thank you I am too" I said

Her confused face relaxed and she lead us to a side room where couches were placed along the walls and a mini stage was set up in the middle.

"My queen I'm going to have to ask you to wear this blind fold" the woman said

"I can't see the dress?" I asked her

She shook her head "It's considered bad luck especially after your mother insisted upon seeing her's and... well... you saw what happened"

I put it to my face without a word and she tied it behind my head.

"Ok I'll go get it, you undress" she said

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