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I woke up to someone pulling me from the car. I blinked and recginized the uniform as that of a medic.

"Mam could you tell me you're name?" he asked shining a flashlight into my eyes

"Amber Johnson" I said feeling a major headache comming on

"Johnson? Is your father Bryan Johnson?" he asked

"Yes" I said

"Where were you coming from?" another medic who I hadn't realized was on my other side said shooting the first medic a disapproving look

"Uh school, he was supposed to take me to the hospital" I said feeling sleepiness about to take me over

"Why were you going to the hospital are you pregnant?" the first medic asked

"No my hand is broken" I said holding up my right hand that looked perfectly fine to me now

"Anyone you know still at the school?" the second medic asked

"My brother... Jace and my friends there's a lot of them" I said with a sleepy smile "and Jeff- Principal Carl Jefferson" I clarified "Oh and Sebastian he's cute he beat up the guy who I punched, isn't that sweet?" I asked

"Sure is, he you're boyfriend?" the first medic asked

"No... just friends" I said drifting off

"Alright try to stay awake" the second medic said as the loaded me into what I assumed to be a ambulance.

"Keep talking to her" the second medic said to the first before looking to a police officer who was outside the truck

"This is Bryan Johnson's daughter tell him what's happened immediatly we don't want a lawsuit on our hands" he said

"My daddy is a good man" I said frowning at the man

"Amber where is you're mother?" the first medic asked trying to distract me as

"She's at work she's a fashion designer" I said

"Get the brother too" I heard the second medic say somewhere in the background as the first began surveying me for more injuries

"What is you're mother's name?" he asked

"Miranda Johnson" I said

"Holy shit we better not fuck this up" he said to himself

"Why not?" I asked him

He looked at me surprised that I heard him "Honey, you're parents could buy the whole state of California with a snap of their fingers" he said seriously

"I'm going to sleep your acting weird" I said

"No stay awake!" he begged alarmed

"But I'm tired" I said before letting the darkness consume me

I woke up hearing a constant beeping noise.

I felt someone's grip on my hand and opened my eyes slowly. Luckily the lights were turned down low but I could still recognize everyone in the room.

Sebastian was the one holding my hand tightly kissing it repeatedly. My father was pacing enraged, Jace had his arm around Katie holding onto her for dear life, Alex had a crying Emily in his lap wiping her tears away and James had Marissa on his lap while Belle slept on his shoulder.

My mother had her head in her hands as she silently wept.

"It's all my fault, I'm going to kill the bastard" my dad said in the deadliest tone I've ever heard him use

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