Intruder Alert

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"Thank you, now the first thing we need to do is make sure everyone his here I need the women to line up to the right and the children to the left. When you see your mother step up meet her up here" I said

They nodded and 10 minutes later we had all the families reunited.

"Is there anyone missing?" I asked

"No Luna" they chorused

"Alright next I guess I'll explain what is happening for those of you who don't know, there were intruders in the house that managed to get to the top floor. They were obviously looking for something and when they didn't find it they were prepared to kidnap the Alphas little sister.

I said discreetly gesturing to Taniah so she wouldn't know or be alarmed.

"Sebastian put the whole pack on lockdown he along with the warriors are securing the pack" I said

Everyone nodded in understanding. "Until further notice we need to stay in here, I'm not going to tell you all to try and relax because honestly it's unrealistic but please stay calm and I'll keep you all updated.

They nodded and settled into their own conversations.

"Amber?" Taniah asked sleepily

"Yes baby?" I asked

"Are we safe?" She asked

"Of course we are, but we're princesses we have to protect our people" I said

She nodded snuggling into my chest and going to sleep.

Everything was orderly and calm until there was banging at the door. Everyone jumped up protecting the kids.

"Luna get behind us" one of the men said referring to the human berrier they formed.

I put my finger to my lips motioning for everyoyto be quiet and they did.

I gently shook Taniah waking her up and told her to be quiet. She nodded with fear in her eyes and the banging continued. I set her on her feet behind me and raised my hand causing the door to illuminate blue.

"Fuck what is on that door!" A deep voice yelled

"It burns" another yelled

The pack members gasped as the door held against all their banging.

Taniah took my hand burying her face in my leg when suddenly the banging stopped.

"Niah I'll be right back stay with the group ok?" I said

She nodded hugging me tightly before releasing me.

I looked at the men "protect her at all costs" I said

They nodded and put her in the middle of the circle.

"I'm going out there hopefully to end this, that barrier will stay on the door preventing anyone from getting in but should it fail you fight and protect the children" I said

"Yes Luna" they chorused

I walked up to the door opening it and closing it behind me making sure the barrier was still in place.

I looked around seeing nothing out of place.

When I looked out the window I saw wolves fighting everywhere.

I looked around a bit more before going back to the basement.

When I opened the door everyone gasped before realizing it was me.

"Are there any warriors down here?" I asked

A few men raised their hands. I pulled out my phone as it began ringing.

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