Oh My Werewolf

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I woke up feeling a pinch in my right arm. There were several voices around me and I quickly sat up opening my eyes. Everyone from before was there along with 4 doctors and Emily's parents.

A arm around my waist prevented me from jumping away from the doctor who was currently securing a needle in my arm.

"What? What are you doing? Who are you? Why is everyone looking at me? Am I dying?" I began firing off questions

Behind me I felt Sebastian shiver and looked at him in question

"You're uh sleepy voice is uh nice" he said quietly

"Keep you're dick in check dude that's my sister" Jace growled

"Please stop touching me!" I said slapping all of the doctor's hands away from me

"Amber calm down" my mother said

I felt another prick, this time in my arm and instantly relaxed feeling tired again.

"What the fuck?" I said woozily before passing out


I awake to the sounds of hushed voices around me.

A door slammed open and I heard several pairs of feet enter.

"What have you done to my daughter?" I deep voice I knew was not my father's

"She's fine" my father said

I felt someone stroking my hair and opened my eyes to see Sebastian looking down at me.

"How you feeling?" he asked gaining everyone's attention

"Like I've been stuck with needles" I said closing my eyes again

"Amber honey" my mother said

I opened my eyes "Mom what is going on?"

"You just had a few tests to make sure you were alright" Jace said

"Alright" I said looking at the unfamiliar guests

There was a man and a woman along with 2 boys who looked to be around Jason's age.

"Jace did you invite your friends over?" I asked

"No Am why?" he asked

"I don't remember meeting them" I said pointing in the general direction of the guests before closing my eyes

"What is she on?" the man with the deep voice asked

"Pain killers and sedatives" Emily's dad said

"Hi Mr. Moretti" I murmured

"Hey baby girl" he replied

"Emily has a boyfriend" I laughed

"Alright go back to sleep you seem tired" Sebastian said

I opened my eyes looking at him.

"I think I was sleep for a long time. I should go to school" I said trying to stand up

"Amber sleep you need it" Jace said seriously

"Ok goodnight everybody! Nice to meet you guys" I said before snuggling into Sebastian's chest and falling asleep

The next time I woke up the room was empty. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and I looked at my phone to see it had been 2 days since I left the hospital and I had 50 missed calls

I stood up with a bit of difficulty and went to my bathroom to take a much needed shower. Once I was out, I brushed my teeth, used the bathroom and blow dried my hair leaving it in it's naturally straight state.

I added a bit of mascara and lip gloss before moving to my closet to chose something to wear. I settled on a teal skater skirt along with a razor back bustier top with lace keeping it modest. I added my black and teal heels and made my way downstairs where I heard multiple voices in the living room.

I walked in and saw 4 unfamiliar faces looking back at me.

"Wow you're beautiful" the woman said standing with a smile

I sent her one back "Thank you" I said sincerely "I'm Amber" I heald out my hand for her to shake

"I know who you are silly" she said ignoring my hand and pulling me into a hug

"Oh uh wow" I said lightly hugging her back

After a few seconds I stepped away and looked at the rest of the family.

"Are you friends of my brother's?" I asked the 2 boys who looked to be Jason's age

"Uh no" one of them replied

"Oh... ok well can I get you all anything?" I asked

"Just your company" the man said

I looked at them werily and took a step towards the door.

"No Amber please, we just want to know you" the other boy said

Before I could reply everyone filed in and looked surprised to see me.

"Amber!" Emily's mom said

"Hey Mamma K" I said hugging her

"Baby girl" Emily's dad said

I hugged him to and he kissed my forehead 3 deep growls sounded but I ignored it most likely imagining the sound "Daddy E" I said

Sebastian came up next to me guiding me towards the couch. Emily sat next to me on my left, Sebastian to my right, and Katie on Jason's lap to his right.

"Amber we need to talk" my mom said

I look at her then my dad who both looked very serious, then to the strangers who would not stop staring at me.

"Ok..." I said

"So you know how I used to read you all kinds of stories about werewolves when you were younger?" she asked

I nodded "and designed me my own line of wolf pajamas" I added

She nodded with a smile

"Well what if we told you werewolves are real" my dad said

"I'd say no way" I replied

"Well they are" Jason said

"And all of us are werewolves" Emily added

I looked to each face in the room and they were all serious and looking back at me waiting for a reaction.

"Reeeally?" I asked with a smile

Everyone nodded

"Can I see?" I asked

Alex and James stood up and took off their shirts and pants. I quickly covered my eyes.

"Amber relax" Sebastian said removing my hands from my eyes.

I heard the sound of bones popping and before I knew it 2 huge wolves stood in front of me.

My eyes widened and I sank into the couch.

"Holy shit" I whispered staring at the unblinking

"Amber?" Emily asked

"All of you can do that?" I asked

Everyone nodded and I almost fainted. My body wouldn't let me though afraid that if I did they would eat me in 2 bites.

"O-ok, that's new" I said shaking

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