Meet the Pack

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Bad ass Prince Sebastian, my mate Bri purred as we all got in

I wrapped my arms around him letting my scent encase him and calm him down.

"Thank you" I whispered looking up at him once he was calm

"I got you babe I shouldn't have even allowed those words to leave their mouthes"

"Seb it's alright it's their opinions we can't change them" I said calmly

The limo slowed and I looked out the window to see the new section of our neighborhood. It was transformed into a town with its own shops and stores with people milling about.

As we drove further in I saw a huge mansion planted at the top of a large hill.

"What's that?" I asked

"That's the pack house its were the unmated wolves over 18 live if they choose to, along with the Alpha family" Sebastian said

As we drove my face was practically pressed up against the glass as I saw everyone running towards the big house alongside the limo. In the distance I could see regular sized houses and a vast forrest stretching out in the distance

"Very nice" one of the Alphas said as they all looked just as fascinated as I'm guessing I did.

"Sebastian exactly how many people are in your pack?" I asked

"Our pack has around 600 people" he said

I must have visibly paled because he quickly took me back in his arms "They already love you, you have nothing to worry about" he said as the limo stopped

A large group had accumulated in front of the pack house eagerly waiting. Sebastian got out first holding his hand out for me.

I took a deep breath before taking it and stepping out of the car.

Everyone fell deathly silent and my eyes widened as I looked at Sebastian. Everyone erupted into cheers and screams all at once shocking me to my core.

"Holy fuck this is scary" I whispered

Sebastian smiled leading me to the side as the rest of the Alphas and Luna's piled out.

We all walked in the house and I looked around trying to take in everything while still managing to speak to all the people saying hello to me.

"You can look around later" Sebastian said laughing

We went through the house to the backyard where a huge party was in full swing. There was an abundance of food drinks and people all talking dancing and laughing. There was a DJ off to the side dancing while he spun the music.

We went straight to a raised platform where we were both handed microphones. Looking out the the crowd all the smiling faces we're looking at me. I did my best to remain calm using Sebastian's hand in mine as something to focus on as I looked at all the people.

"Hello pack members remember me? Your Alpha? I still exist too" Sebastian joked realizing no one was paying attention to him

I laughed and brought my microphone to my mouth "Oh I forgot you were there my bad" I said

He feigned hurt making the crowd laugh.

"Anyway after the many requests to see her in person, I now introduce Princess Luna Amberlyn Rosemarie Casanova" he said

The crowd erupted in deafening cheers as I smiled.

"Also known as Amber" I said making them laugh again

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