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I floated around in the darkness for a while before I felt a long distinct drop as if I were on a rollercoaster. 

I hit the ground hard and breathed in a deep breath of air. The moon goddess stuck her hand out towards me and smiled helping me stand.

"You and Sebastian have made some beautiful babies" she said

Tears streamed down my face "I will never get to see them"

"Honey that is completely your choice" she said

"How?" I asked

"I've noticed how... weak yours and Sebastian's bond is" she said

"Why is it weak?" I asked

"Well for one Bri and Eclipse never mated" she said

"Why would that matter?" I asked

"Well all 4 of you are mates, you've only halfway mated which in turn only formed a bond half as strong as a King and Queen need. That along with the constant mini fights you 2 have and the secrets you keep from each other, its tearing you both apart." She explained

"But I love him" I said helplessly

"Then you must work on your bond, have some trust in each other and actually talk once in a while instead of fucking every time your alone  in the same room" she said causing me to blush

"Now you could go back work on your bond, raise your children, and life a happy life, or you could stay here. Emily would be the mother figure in your children's lives. Sebastian would never quite love them the way he should since they would be a constant reminder of you, and they would one day grow up to be the new leaders of the werewolf kind" she said

"I want to go back" I said without hesitation

"Your journey on rebuilding your bond will be hard, you must keep that in mind" she warned me

"I'll get through it with Sebastian's help" I said

She nodded "Well then you better be getting back everything is a chaotic mess without you"

With that she gave me one last hug and I began to float away again.

I opened my eyes and I could feel myself back in my body. My stomach was soaking wet and there was something weighing me down. 

I blinked opening my eyes to be surrounded by my friends while my family stood off to the side bawling.

"Don't cry guys" I said

All of their eyes snapped to me and Sebastian who was laying on my stomach crying shot up screaming a high pitched sound that hurt my ears.

"You don't have a heart beat!" He said after kissing my all over my face

He laid his head on my chest and looked back at me wide eyes "It's back! Your heart is back!"

"I'd like to think it didn't go anywhere" I said grinning

"Amber what happened? I thought I was gonna have to raise your babies" Emily said

My eyes widened "where are they!? I want to see them"

"They're right here" they moved out the way revealing 2 beautiful innocent angels.

I was speachless as everyone watched for my reaction. All I could do is hold out my arms.

Sebastian placed my little boy in my arms. He looked up at me immediately snuggling into my chest and giggling. Emily handed me my baby girl who had began crying from the lack of attention.

The Werewolf PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now