The Aftermath

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"Amber sweetheart open your eyes" a soft voice echoed around me

"Ugh I'm tired" I murmured throwing my arm over my face

A soft airy laugh filled my ears as I took in the distinct scent of the moon goddess. I jumped up quickly trying to smooth my hair and faced Bri and the moon goddess who looked amused at my actions.

"Amber I'm very proud of you" the moon goddess said taking me into her arms "you managed to pull all the supernatural species together and defeat the evil in the supernatural world once and for all"

"Thank you" I said smiling "But what about my parents?" I asked sadly

The moon goddess stepped to the side revealing my mother and father. My father was obviously blind and my mother could not talk.

"You're parents were not the best people in their time on earth. Your father was consumed with lust for you his own daughter, starting when you were a small child. Lust relies on sight so for the rest of eternity your father will be blind. Your mother was a plain bitch to everyone. She was a spiteful jealous woman and turned her self hatred into hatred towards everyone around her. Because of the damage her words caused to other wolves she will never be able to speak again." The moon goddess said

"No! Please I know they weren't good people but they don't deserve to live this way for the rest of their lives" I said

"I'm sorry Amber but my decision is final, you may say your goodbyes" the moon goddess told me

I ran into my parents' arms and they both hugged me tightly.

"I love you both so much and I always will no matter what" I whispered to them

"We love you too Amber, you and Sebastian will make the perfect King and Queen" my father said

I nodded stepping away from them and they slowly disappeared into thin air. I turned back to the mood goddess "What do I do now?" I asked

"You'll go back down to earth, take the role as Queen, be happy with your mate and have a wonderful life. When you die though you will become the next moon goddess" she said

I nodded hugging her and Bri tightly "Thank you both" I said "For everything"

"Its the least we could do" Bri said with a smile

"It's time for you to go back" the moon goddess said as we all pulled away

I nodded and Bri grabbed my hand as I felt the sickening dropping feeling. When I hit the ground I sat up breathing heavily.

"Amber are you ok?" Sebastian asked

I looked up at him and nodded "Yeah"

He stared at me in awe "wow" he whispered

I looked up at the mirror and saw my face looked like perfection. Not even being cocky but I looked absolutely beautiful. My eyes were no longer brown but a stunning silver even brighter then before. My hair was thicker but still just as straight and there wasn't a flaw on my face.

"Woah" I said

"You ok?" Sebastian asked snapping out of his thoughts, his eyes darkening the longer he looked at me

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