No Alcohol Amber

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We walked into the house and down a hallway which lead into a huge ballroom. Tables were set up everywhere and someone filled every seat while waiter hustled around catering to them.

"Wow" I said admiring the lavishness of it all

"Wow is right, now come you have food to eat and people to meet" my mother said
There was a huge table at the front of the room on a raised platform that I assumed we would be sitting at.

"Look for your names on the cards" Elijah said to us while smiling at the guests

We arrived at the table and I quickly found my name next to Isaiah. On my other side was Elijah and across from me was Sebastian.

A waiter pulled out my chair for me to sit but as my mother raised her glass and the rest of my family stayed standing, I did the same. The crowd fell silent in seconds and my father spoke, his voice loud and full of power.

"A toast" he began before pausing "to my daughter Amberlyn Rosemarie, and her return to the palace" he said

Everyone clinked their glasses and sat down sipping their bubbling drinks. I brought mine close to my lips but before I could drink it Sebastian was taking it out of my hand and replacing it with another.

"That has alcohol in it" he said

I smiled with a thank you sipping my new drink which was sparkling grape juice.

I looked up to see both of my brothers and my mother looking at me strangely.

"What?" I asked them

"Nothing" they each replied looking away

We had to eat quickly before standing and walking around to greet everyone. Sebastian went to follow me but I stopped him.

"Seb you look exhausted" I said smoothing his hair

"Just a little tired" he said smiling adoringly down at me and placing his hands on my waist

"After I talk to people we'll leave, you should hang with the guys I'm sure they miss you" I said

He nodded looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw my family and friends once again looking at us.

I kissed his cheek and pushed him towards them.

"Have fun" I said

"Princess hi, I don't believe I've introduced myself" a lady said distracting me from my boyfriend

I looked at her with a friendly smile on my face. As we talked, more and more people came over introducing themselves until finally I had met everyone.

Amazingly I could remember all of their names and they were pleased throughout our conversation when I would refer to someone by their name.

A glass clinked from the front of the room and we all looked up my whole family and all my friends were on the stage looking at me.

"Princess you need to go up there" one of the guards whispered in my ear

I excused myself from the group and quickly yet gracefully made my way back to the stage.

Once I was back in between my brothers my father began speaking.

"At this time the royal meeting is over, we thank you all for coming to meet our daughter and look forward to working with you in the future" he said

Again everyone clinked their glasses but this time after they did they cleared a path leading towards the door.

I kept my glass with me like the rest of my family and felt a hand dangerously low in my back.

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