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3 Months Later

"Fuck off dick head!" I yelled as Sebastian attempted to pick me up

"Babe we need to go to the hospital, Dr. Jones is already waiting for us" he said

"Yeah well let her wait I'm starving and I heard that hospital food sucks!" I said grumpily slapping away his hands

"God dammit Amber if we don't go now we might be having my baby boy right here in the pack house" he cursed at me

I looked around at the worried faces of the pack members and burst into tears.

"Hey, hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose my temper, I'll get you some food and you can eat on the way ok?" Sebastian said hugging me and wiping my tears away

I nodded "ok"

A pack member stepped forward with a plate of food and I cried even more

"Baby what's wrong?!" Seb worried

"Everyone is so nice to me and I'm a bitch! I don't mean to be like that though I just am!" I cried in hysterics

"Baby once we get our son out you'll go back to normal again I promise" he cooed

"Ok" I said taking the food and hugging as many pack members as I could before Sebastian picked me up carrying me towards the car

Once we were both in he took off speeding towards the hospital while I stuffed my face with as much food as I could and happily sang along to the radio.

"I love you Sebastian, you're so good to me. Do you love me?" I asked him

"More than anything" he responded taking my hand in his.

I quickly untangled our hands and went back to my mission of stuffing my face which caused Seb to chuckle.

We pulled up to the hospital where the doctor was waiting by the doors with a wheelchair. I got out chugging a bottle of water, washing down my food and Sebastian picked me up placing me in the chair carefully.

I spit out my water as an excruciating pain shot up from my stomach spreading throughout my body. "Ow!" I said as they began pushing me towards a room

"Baby I'm right here, you're going to be ok" Sebastian said

"We forgot all the stuff" I told him gripping his hand tightly as another wave of pain drifted through me

"What stuff?" He asked, his eyes darting around looking for danger

"The stuff for this baby that's trying to pop out of me!" I yelled

"Queen Luna we need you to relax" the doctor said

"I'll tell Alex to bring it" Sebastian said as we entered a huge room with a huge bed surrounded by machines that I'm guessing was for me. Another bed was set up next to it for Sebastian along with a mini box looking incubator between them. There was also a huge tv on the wall, a camera set up in front of my bed, and chairs and couches lining the walls.

One of the nurses opened the curtains letting in the bright sunlight from outside and staff filled the room turning on machines, running checks, lifting me onto the bed, taking my water away, and asking Sebastian a thousand questions.

"My Queen right now you are in the early stage of labor. You are 3cm dilated and your contractions are lasting 30-45 seconds with 5 minute breaks in between. Right now it is best for you to relax and get changed into your gown, we'll come in to check on you every 10 minutes" my doctor said

I smiled which most likely looked like a grimace as another contraction hit me.

The employees filed out of the room and 2 Pack warriors stood outside the door guarding it.

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