Final Meet Day

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I woke up to the bright sun shining in my face. Opening my eyes I saw our friends passed out around us and Sebastian laying beside me in his wolf form keeping me warm.

I sat up and stretched before helping my group get started on breakfast. Everyone woke up slowly and began talking and playing around.

"Hey babe" Sebastian said kissing my cheek as I set out another tray of meat

"Good morning" I said smiling at him

"You 2 are the cutest" an older pack member commented smiling warmly at us

"Thank you" we both said at the same time

After we ate breakfast I jumped up pulling Sebastian along with me

"Where are we going?" He asked

"To take my first lake bath" I said

We walked down to the huge lake to see several pack members playing around and bathing in the nude.

"Maybe you should just take a regular shower at the house?" Sebastian said

"No way this is just like skinny dipping!" I said pulling my shirt off

He quickly stepped in front of me blocking the view of the males who were present.

"Seb relax we're wolves, I've seen more naked people in the last 2 days than I have before in my entire life. It's normal" I said

"That doesn't mean I want males looking at what's mine" he growled

I shrugged stripping nude and running into the water.

I've never been self conscious or insecure about my body. I'm a skinny girl with a big butt and medium sized boobs. My stomach is flat and my face is acne free. I've always thought of myself as average, not too pretty, but not ugly.

I looked behind me to see Sebastian stripping out of his clothes. I could already see the females' lustful gazes locked on his abs and waiting for his boxers to come off.

Kill! Kill! Bri yelled

I took a breath swimming deeper into the water reminding myself and Bri that they could look all they want but the minute they touched it was time to beat some ass.

Sebastian quickly got in the water swimming over to me and sending glares all around us. He pulled me into his arms kissing me possessively and I smiled pulling away.

"You know what I just realized?" I asked him

"What?" He asked with a smile, the water making his muscles glisten in the sun

"This is like a huge bath tub" I said swimming around

He laughed pouring water on top of my hair washing the dirt out of it. "Your so cute"

After we were both clean we got out and dried off before getting dressed.

"Anything in particular you want to do for the last day of the annual meet?" Sebastian asked wrapping an arm around my waist

"Yes let's play tag!" I said grinning childishly

"Tag? Really?" He asked

"Not just any tag, freeze tag! We get 2 groups together 1 group is 'it' and the other is not. The first group to get everyone in the other group frozen wins" I said

"Oh can we play?" A group of mated couples asked

"Yes everyone can play" I said

20 minutes later our game had begun. We made a rule that mates had to be on opposite teams just to make things harder and almost everyone was playing.

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