Going to the Castle

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When I woke up Eclipse's black eyes were already looking at me.

"Good morning Eclipse" I said making no attempt to get up

"Good morning my princess" he said "Can I ask you something?" He said

I nodded too lazy to look at him "Why don't you let Bri out more?" He asked

I could feel Bri wake up and purr at the sound of her name leaving his lips "Because most of the time she's relaxing, she doesn't ask to come out until she really wants to" I replied

'I'd come out to talk to either one of them anytime' Bri said

"Would you like to see her more?" I asked him

He nodded "it's not that I don't enjoy your company-"

"But she's your mate, I get it Eclipse" I said sitting up and kissing his cheek before letting Bri have control

I felt my eye color shift the the striking lavender and Eclipse smiled

"Briana" he whispered

She rolled her eyes playing off her excitement making me laugh "its good to see you again Eclipse"

He moved her into his lap and pecked her lips "your eyes are like no other, absolutely beautiful" he whispered

"Thank you" she blushed

He sighed "Sebastian wants to spend time with you"

She smiled and nodded bringing her lips to Eclipse's neck. She began kissing sucking and biting causing him to let out soft growls

Bri pulled away with a smile "until we meet again"

He nodded kissing her hand before Sebastian took over.

"Wow" he said smiling

"Why are you both so happy?" Bri asked

"Because your so... mysterious and sexy" he said

I had mixed feelings on his comment since technically Bri is another girl but I had to remember that they're bonded too.

"I could say the same about you" Bri replied

Sebastian immediately brought his lips to hers careful not to lay his weight on her.

Bri ran her fingers through his hair with one hand, cupping his face with the other. They made out until neither of them could breathe causing them to break away.

A soft growl hummed in Sebastian's chest as he looked at her with complete love. "You and Amber are my world" he whispered to her

"I'm tired" she said before giving me back control

'I can't do it' Bri said to me panicking

'Do what? What's wrong?' I asked her

'He's too good for me, they both are. Amber before I was your wolf I did some bad things, things I am not proud of but was too blinded by power to avoid. I don't deserve 2 beautiful perfect mates to call my own' she rambled

'Bri if you didn't deserve to share my mates you wouldn't be here, your mom would not have given you a second chance if you didn't deserve one daughter or not. I don't know what you did but we have power, lots of it and you aren't going crazy now so I believe that whatever drove you to do what you did in the past is gone. Being my wolf is punishment enough since I pretty much never let you out but we were made for the man and wolf in front of us and that means we deserve them ok?' I asked her

'Ok' she responded

I focused back to reality and saw Sebastian looking at me worriedly

"Amber I'm sorry, is Bri ok? Did I freak her out? I really didn't mean to" Sebastian said

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