Healing Light?

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I ran surprisingly well in 4 inch heels not missing a beat as I sprinted back to the hospital.

I burst into the room and saw doctors all around Sebastian.

"What's happening?" I asked

"His wolf exhausted, he's dying" one of the doctors said not realizing it was me

I pushed my way through them laying my hand on his face. He pale skin seemed to be getting paler by the minute.

"Luna you can't be back here" the head doctor said

Something came over me as my hands hovered over his body, a blue light began emmiting from his chest as all the machines stopped freaking out and his heart rate went back to normal.

"Luna what are you doing?" one of the nurses asked

"I'm not letting my mate die" I said

"Let us in! We're both of their friends we need to be in there!" I heard several voices yelling from the hallway

I looked over and saw everyone from the office looking in through the window worriedly

"Let them in" I said

Some of the nurses left as everyone came in looking at me in wonder.

"Amber what is that?" Jason asked going to touch the blue light

"Don't!" I said smacking his hand away "I don't know what I did but it's working, he isn't dying anymore"

"Wait you don't even know what your magic does?" Isaac's mate asked

"No I only attained it a week ago and got even more of it today from my great grandmother" I said not taking my eyes away from Sebastian

After about 20 minutes of all of us just staring at Sebastian and the Blue light we all moved back taking seats around the room.

"Amber the warriors are back, it's 12:47" Beta Henry said

"You don't have to go, we can handle it" Isaac added quickly

I shook my head standing up "I can do it"

I stepped back into my heels I had kicked off and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Will that stay there if you leave?" Emily asked pointing to the light

"Yeah its fine" I said walking towards the door

As I walked out the head doctor came over walking with us as she talked

"Luna the Alpha is in critical condition these next 24 hours will be critical and since his wolf is to the point of exhaustion you are his life source at the moment" she said

"What are you saying?" I asked her

"I'm saying that we've never worked with gifts from the moon goddess. We don't know exactly how much energy your exerting to keep him alive, we don't know how powerful you are, and we don't know how long it will last" she said borderline yelling at me

"But we do know that he's alive and not in pain, that's enough for me right now" I told her

"Please just don't kill yourself trying to defy the moons will" she said before walking away

We all went to the stage to see almost all the pack members gathered. The only people I noticed to be missing were the small children which was expected seeing as its past midnight.

They watched in silence as we walked onto the stage and the head warrior came up to me.

"Luna we have the culprits in the dungeons" he said

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