Amilliana Juliet Cassanova

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It's been a week since Sebastian and I's engagement and the pack couldn't be happier. In that week we have finalized all plans for the annual meet, I've caught up with my princess duties, and Sebastian and I have grown closer than ever.

Tonight our pack is leaving for the meet. I've already packed mine and Sebastian's things and arranged plane tickets for the whole pack which was quite a task.

We are currently getting ready for the last pack meeting before we go. Shadow pack has blended well with our pack and for the most part everything is back to how it was before the attacks.

"Ugh babe I can't do this" Sebastian said frustratedly

I turned to see he was attempting to tie his tie. Walking over to him I took it into my hands and began to do it for him.

"Are you excited?" I asked glancing up at him

"Oh yeah the meet is everyone's favorite time of year, it's like Christmas for our wolves. They love being around more of their kind in their own element, you and Bri will love it" he said with a childish glint in his eye

Bri purred in my head turned on my the sound of her name leaving his mouth. I tightened his tie just enough around his neck and straightened it pecking his lips "I'm sure we will"

He grabbed my waist kissing me back before pulling away and turning me so that my back was facing him. He zipped up my dress and wrapped his arms around my stomach looking at us in the mirror.

"You're so beautiful" he sang "give the world a show"

I laughed recognizing the song from our favorite show at the moment Empire.

(Song Above)

"Go up down, up down, up down, up down, up down, up down, shake it fast" I sang along grinding against him slightly

When I felt his friend begin to press into me I laughed stopping my movements.

"Knock knock guys come on it's time for the meeting" Henry said

Sebastian glared playfully at me as I pulled him out of the room. When we got on stage he pulled me in front of him blocking his manhood and began updating the pack.

Emily caught my eye and raised an eyebrow while the guys were trying to hold in their laughter.

I smirked beginning to move away from Sebastian. He caught me immediately stopping in the middle of his sentence.

"Babe don't move" he whispered

"Imagine my parents naked" I told him

He shivered in disgust and I felt the bulge pressing against me go away.

He continued talking to the pack and I moved to his left where I'm supposed to stand as Luna. The few pack members who had caught on smirked while some of the teenage girls who were hoping to get a look at my mates package had looks of disappointment on their faces. I raised an eyebrow at them and they immediately bowed their heads, embarrassed at being caught.

"Anything you want to say babe?" Sebastian asked looking at me lovingly

"Have fun out there this weekend but stay alert and safe" I said with a smile

I let Bri look out at the pack with her eyes as Sebastian did the same. I was recently told this makes the pack members' wolves feel united and safe.

After the meeting the members were left to finish packing and socialize with each other.

"That was quite the stunt out there" Sebastian said in my ear

I turned to face him looking as innocent as possible while trailing my fingers down his chest "What do you mean Alpha?"

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