Dammit O'Donnell

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I smiled at him "are you now?"

"Indeed just a few things I need to check off my list before I do and the first thing after getting those bracelets is to kill the competition" he said motioning to Sebastian

"And who's supposed to be your queen after all of this?" I asked walking around and sitting at the desk

"Well you of course" he said

I turned on the screen clicking the recents on the video calls before clicking the one with everyone from last night.

"Hm" I said stalling while they picked up

I muted the sound from their ends so only they could hear me. Once everyone's face was on the screen I looked at the man.

"So let me get this right. You breached our borders the day after your... friends attacked every pack in the United States, holding my mate at gun point, telling me your going to kill him and expect me to marry you so you can become King?" I asked him

"That's exactly what I'm telling you" he said nodding

"Well then your bat shit crazy" I said

"You know I've heard about your powers, the bubbles are cool but I like that dominance growl the best, you know the one that makes wolves surrender?" He said

I nodded "glad you enjoyed the show"

"You know when we get married I'll also become Alpha of this pack" he realized "we'll have to step up some security around here of course, and get rid of that pesky mutt" he said looking at Taniah in disgust

"Alright I've had enough of your shit" I said swiping my hand left making all of the intruders fly into the wall unable to move.

I looked at the screen displaying everyone's faces and turning on the sound.

"Make sure your borders are secured and your families are safe" I said

"You all good over there?" My dad asked

"We didn't inject our prisoners with wolfsbane they were most likely able to communicate with him through mindlink and help him figure his way in"

I looked at my dad. "We need Cory and the warriors of his choice to come train ours this can't keep happening" I said

"Done" my dad said completely agreeing

"You need to unite the 2 packs as one my child" Amberlyn said coming into view of the camera

"Sebastian what do you think?" I asked looking up

I saw him laying on the ground unconscious and my heart sank.

"Sebastian!" I said running over to him

He still had a pulse but it was weak and he had a gash in his head that was gushing blood.

I popped the bubble the nice woman was in and looked at her.

"Go get the pack doctor!" I said panicking

Thankfully she took Taniah with her as she ran to get the pack doctor.

"Fuck no Sebastian you are not dying today" I whispered

"Amber what is going on?!" Alex yelled I went back to the camera taking a breath and ignoring Sebastian's blood I was now covered in.

I knew I was visibly shaking all color drained from my face as I looked at them.

"I'll call you all later I have a dying mate and a chaotic pack to handle" I said ending the call as three doctor rushed in along with a gang of guards

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