Wake up call

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Everyone took their seats and the room fell silent.

The priest said a prayer to the moon goddess and recited his speech before looking at me.

"Now I'd like to introduce Luna Amberlyn to say a few words" I stood up walking to the podium. The only sound that could be heard was the click of my shoes against the concrete and the sniffles and cries from the crowd.

"Thank you all for being here today" I began pausing to clear my throat

"First off I would like to thank everyone in our large loving pack who has helped us in so many ways over the past few days. You're work, you're conversation, you're laughs, and you're loyalty have kept our pack strong during this time of grief."

"Kyle Butler, Kendall James, Quinton Brown, Terrance Johnson, and Chase Glenn" I spoke the names of our deceased warriors. "These men were mates, fathers, sons, and warriors who risked it all to protect their families and their friends. These brave individuals cared deeply for each and every single one of you all here today." I paused as a few women in the crowd cried harder

I took a calming breath absolutely hating the sound of my pack members in pain. When I opened me eyes everyone was looking at me in awe.

"Instead of making this a sad day full of grief we all should celebrate the wonderful lives these men lived and appreciate the fact that all of you were apart of it in someway. They have gone on to meet the moon goddess, our mother, who always takes care of and looks after her children." I continued slowly

"Be happy that they were called home. Be happy that they are happy, and that they are now watching over us all" I said with a small smile noticing no one was crying anymore

"As you all know Alpha Sebastian is not in the best health but before he fell ill, when he heard the names of these men, the night of the attack, he stayed up personally writing each of them personal eulogies. They are not finished but I feel it's something the families of these warriors should have" I said walking down the row and handing each family an envelope

"We are Crescent Moon and we will get through this hard time together. They will be dearly missed but will live on in the hearts of each of us" I finished handing the microphone back to the priest.

He asked if anyone else wanted to say anything and a man in the back raised his hand walking forward.

My eyes immediately clouded with tears as I stayed planted in my seat and watched Sebastian walk up to the podium.

He looked at me and winked as the pack erupted into whispers looking back and forth between him and I.

"When did he wake up?" Alex whispered to me

"I have no idea" I said wiping my fallen tears

"He's ok, everything is ok now" Emily whispered as he began his speech.

He began by assuring everyone it was in fact him, before telling a story about an experience he had with each one of the fallen. Some were funny some were sad and some just showed us the type of people these men were. He finished by assuring everyone they were in a better place and that we should learn from their deaths so we could strengthen the pack and not let this happen again.

He came and sat down in the seat next to me grabbing my hand and kissing it before leaning into my ear "we need to talk my beautiful Luna"

I looked at him nodding and pulling our intertwined hands into my lap covering them with my other hand.

The priest ended the funeral shortly after and we moved outside for the burials. Again people were in hysterics. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath focusing on how much I didn't want these people to hurt.

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