Meet Day 1

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Everyone loaded off the plane and I took my group off to the side. As soon as I looked up at them they all silenced and gave me their full attention.

"Alright so we have a lot to do. We have been entrusted with what I hear is supposed to be the best part of the annual meet, the food" I said dramatically earning a few chuckles easing the nervous tension in the air

"So first we have to go shopping-" I began

"Uh Luna, you grew up with humans right?" One of the pack members interrupted me

"I did" I nodded

"What are they like?" The same person asked

"I'm not sure I understand your question" I said

"We've only been around the pack our whole lives and what little contact we had with humans we never spoke" someone else said

My mouth formed an O shape as I understood their apprehension. "And now you're in the middle of the most human populated city, I get it" I said "Humans are exactly like wolves except they can't shift and have no special abilities, if you come in contact with one the most they'll say to you is probably a Hey, but since we're in New York they'll probably say 'What's up or sup' which mean the same thing and are not real questions you reply with 'nothing much or sup' and it's really not a big deal so don't seem too excited with your response. Human's don't talk to strangers simply because they don't know them so try not to strike up a random conversation on the street.

Also since we'll be shopping all day the people who work in the stores may talk to you, don't worry it's their job they kind of have to. After they greet you any question after that is a real question so answer them. Any questions?" I asked

"Can we do a quick role play?" Someone asked

"Sure" I said looking around

"Emily!" I called

She jogged up to my group and stood next to me "what's up?" She asked making us crack a smile

"We're going to role play as humans ok?" I said

"Got it" she said


"Nothing" she said taking out her phone

"See we're strangers so there's nothing more to say. Ok now we're in the store" I said

"Hey can I help you?" I asked

"Yeah I'm looking for paper plates" Emily said looking at the list

"Isle 8" I responded

"How would we know where the isle is?" Someone asked

"There's huge signs with number hanging over the isle" I said

"Any emergency questions just mindlink me and don't worry humans are pretty laid back" I said

They nodded and Emily yelled at her group to stop playing around and get in the cars.

"Ok so everyone knows how to drive right?" I asked

They all nodded and followed me in the opposite direction of the pack to a line of cars.

"We're going out to the suburbs to shop since we won't get anything done in the city traffic, follow me and if you get cursed out on the road curse them out back" I said smiling

I got in my rental car which was a light blue Toyota Camry and rolled down the windows as we pulled out. We drove by Emily who was struggling to get her 200 people group to listen.

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