Rings and Twins?

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As I walked around the house with the girls I met a lot of people who weren't necessarily important. People my parents would have never even spared a second glance at.

Everyone is very nice and welcoming to Sebastian and I and even our friends which is surprising since wolves are naturally territorial and would normally be hesitant about new people.

We also found the government section and met Aaliyah and Henry. Most of the people there almost had a heart attack when they saw us enter but after the initial shock they were happy.

As we were leaving Sebastian mindlinked me 'Hey babe are the girls with you?'

'Yeah we're exploring the castle' I responded

'They have lots of work to do could you send them back to the pack?' He asked

'Sure I'll head to your office after so we can finalize some things' I said happy that I get to see him again

'Ok see you in a bit' he said ending the link

"You know I love you girls right?" I asked

They nodded narrowing their eyes "yes why?" Emily responded

"Because I'm kicking you all out so you can stop avoiding your pack work" I told them

They all groaned "but it's soooo boring" Miranda said

"Then make it fun" I suggested

"Fine but we're having a sleepover tonight" Alice said

I nodded hugging each of them as we approached the front door. "Bye" I said to them before turning around and going back upstairs

I reached Sebastian's office to hear several voices on the other side of the door, one of the voices distinctly female.

I opened the door to see the girl in Sebastian's lap neither of them noticing me. I leaned against the doorframe praying for Sebastian to do the right thing so I wouldn't have to beat his and this she wolves ass.

"Look" Sebastian said sternly "as you know I have mate who's also my fiancée and the only woman I want, you power hungry slut" he said standing causing her to fall to the ground

I slipped out of view closing the door softly behind me and leaned against the wall waiting for her to come out.

Seconds later the girl came running out scared and crying. I felt a tinge of pit for her but the happiness Bri and I felt for Sebastian being faithful to us wiped it away.

I took a few seconds to contain my smile before entering the office. Sebastian had his head in his hands breathing heavily. When he heard me enter he jumped up glaring before relaxing when he realized it was me.

He walked over to me in 2 steps and pulled me against his chest burying his face in my neck.

"Sebastian you smell like cheap perfume" I said calmly making sure no trace of anger was in my voice

His heart rate increased "I'm so sorry I'm such a terrible mate" he murmured "A-a girl s- she"

"Seb relax I know what happened and after what I saw I can't be mad at you" I whispered

"Really?" He asked

"Yes now stop sweating and let's get to work" I said releasing him and sitting in his big chair

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