New York here we come

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"Wake up baby girl" Sebastian said shaking me lightly

"Why" I groaned peaking an eye open "Its still night time"

"Exactly, we leave in 20 minutes" he said

"For what?" I said snuggling further into him

"The annual meet babe please get up you can sleep on the plane" he said patiently

I sat up and pecked him lips "Fine"

I stood, skipping out of the room and going up  to our room where our bags were packed and stacked neatly by the door.

I took a shower, making sure to shave everything and be extra clean since I will be in the woods for 3 days using a huge lake as a bathtub.

After I got out I brushed my teeth and put my hair up into a ponytail before changing into my soft pajamas and slippers. After I was done I picked out an outfit to wear for when we arrive and put it in my carry on along with my shoes and grabbed my purse heading out of the pack house where I could hear the pack beginning to gather.

When I walked out some people did a double take. I realized I've never been so casually dressed around the pack.

I saw some of the kids dressed similar to me and grinned walking over to them giving them high fives. "You all look awesome" I said They beamed hugging me tightly.

"Babe what are you wearing?" Sebastian asked walking up to me frowning

"My pajamas, you said I could sleep on the plane" I said placing my hands on my hips "is there a problem?"

He grinned nervously "Amb you know I love you but you look like a child"

"Seb you know I love you too but I don't care" I said back pecking his cheek and walking off as the rest of the girls came out of the house in regular clothes.

"Ohh good idea Amber! I should have thought of that" Katie said rubbing her pregnant belly as we all headed back in for them to change

"We leave in 5 minutes Amber!" Sebastian yelled

"We'll be back in 4 Alpha" I said grinning when he stiffened and running to catch up with the girls

"Ok we have 4 minutes I'll help Katie you all run" I said

Katie and I got in the elevator going up to her floor while the rest of the girls took the stairs even though now that I think about it they all live on the same floor.

We went to her room and while she began undressing I picked out her clothes. She put them on in record time and we made our way back outside.

Jace took Katie back into his arms and Sebastian kissed my cheek. The rest of the girls ran out huffing with grins on their faces.

"Alright everyone load up" Sebastian said

Everyone began piling into the long line of SUV's and we walked to the limo in front. Our friends got in while Sebastian and I put our things down and began the head count. I started from the front of the line checking each car while he started from the back.

As I walked by many members began talking to me trying to figure out the plan for once we get there. I mindlinked them that I was trying to count and would answer any questions on the plane or when we get there.

When I finished I got a total of 624 and mindlinked Sebastian.

'I got 622' he said

'Did you miss 2 people?' I asked walking back to the front while the members poked their heads out the cars wondering what was wrong.

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