Keeping up with the Friends

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After the disastrous ball my father called all of us straight up into his office.

Luckily I remembered where it was from my earlier excursions but even if I didn't the 2 guards following me would have showed me.

When I entered the room my family was sitting around in chairs all looking at paperwork.

Sebastian had to go with the rest of the Alphas so I was on my own with the royals.

I sat down and my dad stood up handing me a stack of papers.

"Read through these and highlight the dates of the shipments and what was in them" he said

One of the guards handed me a familiar pair of glasses and I put them on quickly wanting to get this over with.

"You wear glasses?" I heard Elijah ask

"Yeah for 3 years now" I said not looking away from the papers

I went to work highlighting the paper work in hot pink highlighter. The door opened and I heard several pairs of feet enter but didn't bother looking up since the guards were probably switching shifts.

"Elijah, Isaiah come with me" my mother said

I looked up to see the Alphas standing in front of me and my dad sitting at his desk. I followed their gazes down to my leg which was exposed through the slit from me crossing my legs.

I cleared my throat and took off my glasses setting them on top of the papers.

Their eyes snapped to mine and I realized Sebastian wasn't here.

"You uh called us here?" One of them asked my father

"Yes please sit" he said gesturing to the table

He looked at me and mouthed close the door.

I stood up walking over to it

"Where are you going?" One of the Alphas asked quickly

"Don't concern yourself with my daughters whereabouts" my father said

I grabbed the door to close it just as Sebastian entered.

He smiled kissing my cheek before addressing the group.

"Apologizes for being late, word of rogues near my territory line" he said taking a seat with the Alphas.

I closed the door sitting to the right of my father like I was taught to.

"You all must be wondering why I called you here" my dad said

Everyone nodded except for me who stood to grab my papers from my previous seat.

"Well tonight at dinner everyone's food was poisoned and if not for the watchful eyes of Amberlyn we would all likely be dead or fighting for our lives right now." He said

Everyone looked at me in surprise as I sat back down and put my glasses on.

I smiled "you're welcome"

They looked back to my father "what was the poison?"

"Wolfsbane laced with silver" he said

I continued highlighting holding back a giggle at their dramatic gasps.

"How did the princess figure it out?" One of the Alphas asked

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