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I woke up to an empty bed. By the warm spot behind me I guessed Sebastian hadn't left too long ago and stood up.

I showered and brushed my teeth before taking 2 aspirin, the hangover setting in. I put on my knee length form fitting black dress, my black and cream blazer. Picked out my matching purse and heels and finished it off with cream accessories.

Going downstairs I grabbed a cup of coffee needing the caffeine and talked to a few pack members

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Going downstairs I grabbed a cup of coffee needing the caffeine and talked to a few pack members.

Sebastian walked in with Evan by his side and the guys walking behind him. He was already dressed in his suit but his tie was tied wrong and looked like a knot.

I excused myself from my conversation and walked over to him.

He pecked my lips with a smile "Good morning how you feeling?" He asked

"Yeah Amber I didn't know you had it in you" Evan commented

"What are you talking about?" I asked him

"This" he said clicking play on a video. It showed me grinding on Emily last night both of us laughing.

I shrugged not really affected by it since we'd done that many times before when we didn't know about werewolves and went clubbing every other weekend.

The girls walked in heading straight to the coffee before joining us.

"Morning" Emily said

"Morning" I responded turning to Sebastian and fixing his tie "We need to talk when we get to the office"

He nodded wrapping an arm around my waist moving me away from Emily.

"Why are they being weird?" Emily asked

I laughed "They saw us dancing last night"

Emily laughed "Guys chill I'm not a lesbian and neither is Amber that's just how we dance"

"Alpha Luna the car is ready" a warrior said

'If you're not busy later on stop by the castle I'll fill you in on the wedding details' I mindlinked the girls

"Ok" they all responded out loud

The guys looked at them then to me. Sebastian took my hand and we walked out of the house and into the waiting SUV.

On the way I finished my coffee and relaxed, scrolling through my texts and making a mental list of things to do.

When we arrived at the castle I went up to my office with Sebastian following me closing the door behind him.

I sat in my chair while he looked around my new office in shock "I may have to ask that Demetri guy to help me out" Sebastian said

I crossed my arms looking at him as he sat in the chair in front of me. "So what did you want to talk about?" He asked me

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