Say What?

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When my alarm went off the next morning it took me a few minutes to untangle my limbs from Sebastian's.

Once I was free I got in the shower before dressing in athletic shorts a sports bra and my trainers.

I put my hair into a ponytail and went down stairs where I found Cory waiting.

"Ready?" He asked seemingly in a good mood

"Yup" I said and together we made our way to the field

We started with a mile warm up before he let me go at the obstacle course. I did a little better than yesterday but nothing noteworthy. After that we did cardio and to my surprise he got me started with the basics in hand to hand combat and self defense. I knew basically everything he was explaining due to the self defense classes Emily and I took a few years ago.

Near the send of our session he let me fight a beginning warrior around my age. I could tell she was nervous and did my best to ease her worries by talking to her but it didn't do much.

"Attack!" Cory said

She punched me directly in my jaw as soon as the words left his mouth leaving no time for my defense. I snapped out of my shocked stayed focusing on her movements.

She threw a few punches and I was able to either dodge or deflect each of them. I noticed that she took a step before ever punch and caught her rhythm kicking her right leg causing her to lose her balance and tumble to the ground hard.

I winced at her landing not meaning for her to land that hard. I pinned her before she could get up and looked at Cory.

He nodded signaling the fight was over and I got off of her helping her up.

"An honor princes" she said bowing before practically running out of the ring

"Alright Rose that's it next session is Monday enjoy your weekend" he said

I nodded telling him to do the same before going back to the house and up to my room.

I looked at the time and saw it was only 7:00. I took another shower before getting dressed in a pink and white summer dress. I put my Luna bracelet back on and as I walked out Sebastian was just waking up.

"Morning babe" I said applying a bit of makeup

"Good morning, you look nice going anywhere special?" He teased

"Of course I'm meeting the pack today!" I said excitedly

"Oh was that today I must've forgotten" he said

"Hurry up and get dressed breakfast is in 20 minutes" I said

He was ready in 15 and we walked down to the living room which was packed with Alphas Luna's my family and my friends.

"Amber how was your night?" Kaylen asked wiggling her eyebrows

"Should we be asking Erica that?" I asked raising my eyebrow and looking at the closet

The Luna's laughed while everyone else looked at us confused.

"I take it you ladies had a good time last night?" My mother asked

We all nodded

"What are those?" Elijah asked gesturing to our wrists

We all looked down to see them glowing in the daylight.

"We made Luna bracelets" Alice said

"Are those pack stones?" Emily asked

We all nodded again "they're going to love it" Sebastian said

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