Day 3~ Rogues

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'Yeah right babe, i'll see you later' he said thinking I was joking

'Shit Sebastian I'm not fucking around there are about 50 pairs of red eyes staring back at me from the backyard' I said not taking my eyes off of them and keeping my facial expression stotic

'Put the pack on lockdown, we're on our way!' Sebastian said

'I need everyone to head to the upstairs master bedroom now!' I said through the pack link

'Yes Luna' everyone replied before I heard heavy footsteps of the pack members stumbling out of bed and following my order

Apparently the rogues heard them too because all at once they ran towards the house. Without thinking my hands flew up and the house was surrounded by a huge blue bubble.

The wolf who looked to be the leader stayed behind and watched as the rogues charged at the force field only to get electrocuted and bounce back off. Some thought they would be smart and dig their way under it which didn't work as the bubble only went deeper into the dirt the more they dug.

"Luna Amberlyn Rosemarie Casanova soon to be O'Donnell" the evil looking man said walking towards the window I was standing in front of

'Luna what is going on?' one of the pack members asked

'Look out the window' I replied

"Who the hell are you?" I asked the man

"I am the leader" he said as an evil smile spread across his face "Of the rogues that is" he added when I looked at him blankly

My expression turned from bored to annoyed "Then how about you keep your dogs away from my pack" I said causing the rogues to look up at me and growl

"Aw I'm sorry did I offend you?" I asked feigning remorse

They growled again and I smiled flicking my finger away from the house making them fly towards the woods, hitting trees and being pinned to the ground as the warriors arrived with Sebastian.

I looked back towards the leader to find the spot where he was standing empty. Upon Sebastian's command the warriors released the rogues and they ran away with their tails between their legs.

I let the blue bubble fall away and within 2 seconds I was wrapped in Sebastian's arms. I could hear him still growling beyond pissed.

"Seb look at me" I said sensing that he was on the verge of losing control

The warriors looked between me and him nervously, ready to step in and protect me if need be.

Sebastian continued to glare into the night. I gestured for the warriors to go inside 'You all can tell the pack they can come out now, their in the 2nd floor master bedroom' I said through the mindlink

'Are you sure Luna?' one of them asked

'Positive, go' I said knowing Sebastian wouldn't hurt me

They left reluctantly and went inside. I could feel Sebastian getting angrier and figured that if he wasn't going to listen to me I might as well let him go take his anger out on something.

I stepped out of his tight grip and the gold eyes of his wolf instantly darted to mine.

"Sebastian you need to calm down" I said looking up at him

He took a step towards me and I matched it taking a step away from him "Mine" his wolf said trying to grab me

"I know I'm yours but-"

Before I could finish my sentence Sebastian had me pinned against the side of the house with his lips attacking mine. I let Bri take over since he ovbiously was not planning on listening to me.

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