Day 4~ Supernatural

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He gave Sebastian back control and I smirked "Eclipse is pretty fun to be around when he isn't angry"

"You wouldn't be saying that if you heard his thoughts" Sebastian laughed "Also I'm pretty sure you just cheated on me with my wolf"

"Is that even a thing?" I asked

"Well usually no, its unusual for you and your mate's wolf to be close" he said

"And why is that?" I asked

"Because you're a human and he's a wolf" Sebastian said

"Yes but he's a sweet, cute wolf" I said

"Nothing about me or my wolf is 'cute'" He said fake shuddering in horror

"Oh I'm sorry is that not manly enough" I joked

"No, it's not now come on I'm sure the pack is a nervous wreck" he said

"You go ahead I'm going to shower and get dressed" I said

He nodded pecking my cheek and leaving the room. I went in the bathroom showering and dressing in skinny jeans and a crop top along with some flats.

Walking downstairs I found Sebastian holding a pack meeting. I walked in and stood by the door braiding my wet hair into a fishtail braid.

When he dismissed everyone I called my group over.

"Ok so you all are staying here to prep food since there are rogues trying to kill us. We're also behind on the prep schedule so hopefully you all can catch up on that" I said

"What about you?" Someone asked

"I'm going out to buy the last of the groceries so we can be done with that" I said

"Babe you're not going out there alone" Sebastian said from across the room where he was meeting with his group

I rolled my eyes "we all have things to do Sebastian and I intend to get my job finished"

"You all can get started" I said to my group

My group spread out but I could tell no one left.

"Just because I went out there doesn't mean you can" Sebastian said

"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself against rogues" I said

"But you shouldn't have to" he said

I stood on my tiptoes and managed to peck his cheek with a smile before grabbing the binder keys and my leather jacket and leaving the house.

I laughed to myself as I felt Sebastian's frustration.

'I'll be fine, handle your warriors and I'll be back before you know it' I mind linked him

'Amber please be careful' Sebastian said back

'I will babe' I responded before cutting the connection

I sang along to the radio the whole way to the stores and before I knew it I was parked.

I got out of the car still singing and walked into the store. I grabbed a cart and walked into the store going down each isle and grabbing everything I needed until I checked the last thing off of my list.

I checked out and walked back outside loading everything into the cart before turning around and stopping abruptly when I saw a small girl who was about 4ft standing directly behind me.

"Oh geez" I said clutching my chest

"Apologizes princess" she said bowing

"Um who are you?" I asked

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