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Sebastian led me down a few hallways and into the backyard. There was a clearing to the right and a pond to the left with the thick forest straight ahead.

We walked over to the pond which had big flat rocks around it.

"Sebastian?" I asked looking up at him

"Yes baby?" He asked looking down at me

"Can I meet the pack tomorrow?" I asked

His eyes sparkled with excitement "yes of course" he said

"Great tomorrow after breakfast I will spend the whole day with the pack" I said happily

"I didn't know you wanted to meet them" he said

"Well honestly I keep forgetting you're an Alpha but at dinner when I asked about being a Luna I realized I was one too and I've been doing a pretty terrible job at it considering I don't even know the pack" I rambled guiltily

Sebastian cut me off by leaning over me and kissing me. I cupped his face bringing him closer as my whole body heated up.

He pulled away "you're perfect, just a little busy right now. The pack understands that and welcomes you when you're ready" he said

"Thank you Sebby" I said with a giggle

He groaned "don't ever call me that again"

"Aw why not its cute" I said

"No it makes me sound like a girl" he said laying back on the rock

I curled up next to him laying on his chest "Fine how about Ashton" I said

"Much better" he said

We laid there talking about any and everything that came to mind, just getting to know each other better.

"Do you really feel like you don't know me?" He asked

"No I just feel like you know more about me than I do you" I said

"Well what do you want to know?" He asked

"Where's your family?" I asked

He tensed at the question and I looked up at him to see his jaw clenched and a glare on his face in no way directed towards me.

"It's ok you don't have to tell me" I said softly

"Yes I do you're my mate I just... can I tell you tomorrow on our day together? I need sometime to figure out how to explain it" he said

"Of course, take your time I don't want to pressure you if you're not ready" I said

He kissed my head breathing in my scent.

"I love you so much" he said

"And I love you too but we have to go" I said

He nodded standing up and taking my hand in his.

"You're so much bigger than I am" I said looking at our hight differences and how his large hand encompasses mine.

"I always wanted a small mate, I can protect you more" he said happily

"Whatever you say Alpha" I said

He growled tightening his hold on me "Amber I will take you right her and now if you call me Alpha again" he said huskily

I blushed not realizing I had that much of an impact on him. "Sorry" I squeaked

He laughed as we entered the house. The Alphas were in the living room with the Luna's. The Alphas were still in suits while the Luna's were in comfy pajamas.

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