Our House?

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When we walked in everyone fell silent before erupting into cheers. Although the crowd was much smaller than the one I saw when we first arrived, they made just as much noise.

We walked around meeting a lot of people. Shaking hands and smiling. Occasionally I would sneak away and play with some of the kids present.

The teenage girls all looked at me in awe and the boys with lust so I steered clear of them for the most part.

The kids were absolutely wonderful. There was no bullying or exclusion, they were happy to play with whoever was available.

"Amber!" My mother called walking over to me

"Hey mom" I said

"Hello darling are you having a good time?" She asked

"Yes this is great, everyone is very friendly" I said nodding and handing the plate of food I was fixing to Molly, a little girl I had met.

"Thank you princess!" She said curtsying and running off to join the other kids

"Come the boys are looking for you" my mother said

"How do you know?" I asked looking around for any signs of the boys

"Mindlink, it's something werewolves have that allow us to communicate" she explained as we approached the group of my friends and family.

"Amber can we talk to you?" Isaiah asked

"No not now she's having a good time don't ruin it" Jace said

Sebastian came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Lets go somewhere, I need to ask you something" he whispered in my ear

I nodded and he took my hand guiding me away from the party and into what looked to be the garden.

"Amber in my 17 years of life I have never met anyone quite like you" he said as we came to a stop next to a fountain

"I can say the same towards you" I said with a smile sitting on the fountain

"You're beautiful, smart, funny, cleaver, kind, caring, sexy as hell, I could go on and on you're the perfect girl" he said looking me in my eyes

I blushed speechless

"And I can't bear to be your friend another day" He said

I looked down sadly "you don't want to be my friend anymore? Why?"

"No, I don't" he said seriously "but only because I want to be so much more" he added

I looked up at him to see he was on his knee holding a ring in front of him.

"This is a promise ring" he said seeing the panicked look on my face

"If you agree to be my girlfriend, I promise to protect you, be there for you, support you, love you, and one day make you my wife" he said
Tears fell down my cheeks at how much passion he was putting into each word.

"Amber I know we haven't known each other for long but I can't do this anymore, you're my world and- and I love you" he said

"So will you do me the honor-" he said nervously

I cut him off before he could finish "yes! Sebastian of course!" I said jumping off the fountain and into his arms

He hugged me tightly a relieved sigh leaving his lips before he angled my chin up and kissed me.

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