Wedding~ Amber's POV

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The next morning, or should I say later that afternoon I woke up to the sun shining in my face.

I immediately leaned over and emptied the contents of my stomach into the bucket beside me.

"Amber are you o-" Emily began before she was in the same situation I was in

This created a chain effect around the room until everyone was awake and Katie sat there laughing at us all.

"A- are you all ok?" She asked through her laughter causing us to glare at her

"Hey its not my fault you all drank too much" she said

I popped 2 aspirin in my mouth before chugging the entire bottle of water and burying myself back into the thick blankets.

"Amber?" One of the girls called

"Wha-" I said before lifting the covers off my face and vomiting again

"Shit" Emily cursed as I groaned

Elijah and Isiah entered the room, loudly might I add, and ran to my side "Amber what's wrong?" Isiah asked as Elijah felt my head

"Leave me aloneee" I said smacking their hands away

"Amber you're burning up" Elijah said

3 doctors came in the room next as I shook my head "I'm not sick just... tired" I told them

"My queen we just need to check and make sure you're alright" one of the doctors said

"NO! I NEED TO SEE HER! THATS MY MATE!" I heard Sebastian yell

"Everyone relax I'm totally fine" I said

"Will someone please detain the King?" One of the doctors asked

"Everyone shut the hell up and move out of my way!" Emily screamed causing me to cover my ears

"Drink it" she said handing me a glass full of a familiar forest green colored liquid

"Em I hate this stuff" I said

"Amber your getting married in 4 hours drink the shit!" She yelled at me

I slowly brought it to my lips drinking the entire thing before quickly grabbing the trash can and puking it all back up along with the remaining alcohol in my system.

"Ugh!" I said walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth

Elijah followed me feeling my forehead "She's fine" he announced

I rinsed my now clean mouth out and Emily handed me 2 more aspirin to rid me of the pounding head ache that remained.

"Thanks Em" I said as everyone began clearing out of the room

"That's what I'm here for now come on this is the biggest day of your life" she said

I grabbed my robe after I realized I was still only wearing my underwear, bra, and sash and we all went towards the spa.

'Are you sure you're ok?' Sebastian mind linked me

'Yep now all I have to do is figure out what the hell I did last night' I responded

'I don't even want to think about what I did' he laughed

'I bet you don't now, pay attention to the guys and stop worrying about me' I said cutting the link

As we arrived at the spa the room was filled with women running around in all directions.

I was immediately pulled to the showers while they finished setting up. After I finished they didn't bother with lotion and led me straight to a hot mud bath. I got inside and relaxed while they deep conditioned my hair and let it sit with a cap on it.

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