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A few hours later the door opened and I refused to open my eyes hoping they would go away.

From Sebastian's shallow breathing I knew he was still sleeping and I matched my breaths to his.

"They are such a cute couple" I heard Henry's mate say

"I still think it's weird you girls listened to them have sex" Alex mumbled

"Sebastian was so cute and caring though" Katie gushed

"I think it's weird seeing my sister/ cousin naked in bed after sex" Jason said

"Get. Out." Sebastian said waking up and holding me tighter against him while I'm guessing glaring at the group commentary

When a rumble sounded through his chest I placed a hand on his chest calming him not opening my eyes.

"What now?" I asked

"Amber great you're awake, your parents are looking for you" Jace said before exiting the room taking the rest of the guys with him.

"We so need to talk" Emily said causing the girls to nod in agreement before leaving, closing the door behind them.

I looked at Sebastian to see him already looking at me.

"Shower?" He asked

"Together?" I asked

He nodded and I smiled standing from the bed and stretching .

"I will take you right here right now" Erickson said huskily

"I know you would but we have things to do, people to see, and places to go" I said walking into the bathroom

When he didn't follow me I poked my head back out "You coming?"

He nodded eagerly bolting out of the bed.

We got into the warm shower and washed each other stopping frequently for kisses even though both of our lips were already swollen

When we finished, Sebastian watched me get dressed and we left the room his hand in the back pocket of my skinny jeans and mine around his waist.

We found my parents along with everyone else in the living room with other people I didn't know going over paperwork.

"What are you wearing?" My mother asked at the same time my father said "when did you get curves"

Sebastian growled at my father pulling me on his lap.

"Where's your mark?" Emily asked

"Jeans and a crop top mom, what's all this?" I asked ignoring Emily

"Taxes from all the packs, we need to look over them and make sure they're correct" my father said looking at me strangely

I glanced at Emily who was holding in her laugh, her eyes flickering between the pile of papers and me.

I picked up a pack of papers from the table and scanned over it.

"Is the Ginger Pack stupid?" I asked frowning

"No not at all why?" My father asked

I picked up another pack and shook my head setting them both down.

"Who has been checking over all of this?" I asked

"I do final checks princess" one of the men I didn't know said

"Are you good at math?" I asked

He nodded pushing his glasses up on his nose "I'd like to think so"

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