Just 'Fuck You' and we're good

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"What?" Emily asked

"I said go ahead, if you want to talk, then talk" I said setting my laptop on the cot beside me and giving them my full attention.

"Well I just wanted to say your handling everything very well" my mother said

I gave her a blank look but said nothing.

"Look we're sorry for treating you like we did, we were jealous because we thought you made time for the Luna's but we hadn't gotten to spend time with you" Katie said

"We all had gone to the beach the day before why would you all think I wasn't making time for you?" I asked

"Because you got new friends!" Belle said

"And you had a better time with them than you've had with anyone for the first time in a while" Emily said

"So what do you want? For me to say all is forgiven?" I asked not quite seeing the point of this conversation

"No we want you to let us be here for you, let us help. Sebastian was our friend and as much as we hate to see him like that especially with his feeling towards us at the moment, we're not going to sit here and watch you work yourself to death any longer" Jason said

I looked at their faces looking for something, anything, to tell me they weren't genuinely here to help but I found nothing. I looked at Sebastian then back to them before pressing the button on my ear piece.

"Cody I'm sending the guys down to you, how are the nurses doing?" I asked

"Very understaffed Luna" a female voice answered

"Alright sending the girls to you" I said looking to my friends

"They better be ready to work" Cody said

They all smiled standing up and walking over to me.

"Don't mess anything up" I said smirking

"We won't thanks sis" Elijah said

"Yeah, yeah now go" I said

They left and I turned to my parents. "Can you both go up to the offices and see where we are in the logistics of the pack?" I asked

They nodded standing up and leaving without a word.

I turned to Sebastian letting out a breath "you did say I would forgive them didn't you?" I asked laughing humorlessly "Well I'm telling you that you're going to come out of all of this perfectly fine"

I leaned back in the bed holding his hand with one of mine while reviewing all the emails I was receiving from packs all around the world offering to help if needed.

"You never told me you were well liked among the Alpha's around the world" I said out loud astonished at the amount of support I was receiving from the fellow Luna's in other countries who all seemed to know Sebastian.

I emailed everyone back which took me around 3 hours before standing up and stretching. The girls had stopped by asking if I needed anything but once I assured them I was alright they were put back to work.

"I'm going to go check on everything, I'll be back" I said kissing Sebastian's cheek before leaving the room

Walking outside I was surprised to see everything in perfect order. Although there was an air of depression all around everything was functioning just fine. The higher up wolves were barking out orders still focused on the tasks I had given them earlier, even going above and beyond.

"Meet me at the stage for an update" I said into the earpiece

A few of the pack members stopped what they were doing, staring at me with confusion and awe which my brain somehow took as a complement. When I got to the stage the higher members were already waiting.

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