Wedding~ Sebastian's POV

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I woke up after my Batchelor party completely fine with the exception of a head ache. The guys were all spread across the room sleeping. Grabbing my phone I looked through the pictures and videos from last night.

The stripper was cute but no where near Amber's beauty, quite frankly I'm surprised the girl even turned me on.

I looked through my text messages and saw the girls had sent me pictures from Amber's party. In most of them Amber had bottles of alcohol pressed against her lips which made me glad it wasn't another guy.

As I kept scrolling I found a video of her with a stripper on top of her. He was obviously enjoying himself while Amber looked drunk off her ass but nonetheless she pulled him closer.

I growled deeply accidentally waking the guys up. I played the next video as they came over watching it too. A stripper had brought a less drunk Amber to the stage. She looked very confused before a deep blush spread across her face as the guy began grinding on her. As the video progressed the rest of the strippers took their turns only for Amber to hesitantly hand out money. I kept scrolling and was met with a trip to McDonald's, what looked like another club, and more strippers photobombing the pictures.

"Alright I think that's enough of that" Alex said taking my phone from me as the guys attempted to stop laughing about Amber with the strippers

"I'm going to find him and kill him" I growled as I replayed the first video memorizing his face

"Sorry but we can't let you do that, you had your fun and she had her's you don't hear her planning a murder do you?" Chad asked

I didn't hear any plotting but I did hear several people next door.

I heard Amber vomit. Don't ask me why I know what she sound like when vomiting because honestly I don't know.

"Amber are you o-" Emily's voice said before she too vomited

A few seconds later there was another voice "Amber?"

"Wha-" Amber replied before vomiting again

"Shit" Emily cursed as my poor mate groaned

"Go in there" I told her brothers knowing I wasn't allowed to see her

Elijah and Isiah bolted from our room and into hers "Amber what's wrong?" Isiah asked

"Leave me aloneee" Amber said followed by 2 smacking sounds

"Amber you're burning up" Elijah said

I stood, no longer caring about the stupid rules only concerned for my mates health.

3 doctors passed me, walking into the room as the guys held me back

"I'm not sick just... tired" Amber told them sounding sick

"My queen we just need to check and make sure you're alright" one of the doctors said

"NO! I NEED TO SEE HER! THATS MY MATE!" I yelled loosing my shit as Eclipse pushed to come out, worry consuming his brain

"Everyone relax I'm totally fine" Amber said drowsily

This only worried me further and I fought harder against the guys

"Will someone please detain the King?" One of the doctors asked

"Everyone shut the hell up and move out of my way!" Emily screamed before anyone could take me away

Alex smiled proudly at the sight of his mate taking charge meanwhile I still couldn't see mine

"Drink it" Emily said most likely handing my mate a hangover smoothie AKA the most disgusting concoction on earth

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