Alpha and Luna Meetings

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I stuffed my face with bacon eggs pancakes sausage, grits and washed it down with orange juice all the while humming happily to myself.

When I finished I walked back towards the living room.

"Anders she's 16 go easy on her" my dad said

I rolled my eyes entering the room. "I'm just as capable as everyone else, don't go easy on me Cory" I said

"Very well tomorrow same time Rose" he said before leaving

"Why do you call him Cory and he calls you Rose?" Sebastian asked

"He told me he would call me Rose and told me to call him Cory" I said shrugging not missing the look my family exchanged

"What did you do today?" My father asked

"I met the army" I said with a smile

"The army like the US Army?" Katie asked

"No they have an army here but they go by the name warriors instead but their an army" I said

"Why did you meet the warriors?" My mother asked

"Well Cory whistled really loud and they all froze and looked at him and he was all 'grr your princess is here'" I said mimmicing his deep voice "and they all told me welcome at the same time in the same tone" I said

"Did you answer them?" My father asked

"Yeah I said 'good Morning warriors'" I imitated my serious self

"Did Duke tell you to say that?" My mother asked amused

"No it just kinda... came to me" I said shrugging

Everyone stayed silent seemingly deep in thought.

"What? Is something wrong?" I asked

"It's your wolf" my dad said

"Oh...well... alright" I said standing and leaving the room

As I roamed through the castle I heard several voices coming from a room I've never been in before.

"Ms. Stephanie when will we get to meet the princess like Lilly did?" A kid asked

"Well the princess is a busy girl especially with just having returned" a girl who looked a few years older than me said

"Can we go find her?" Lilly asked

I recognized her as the little girl I met in the large crowd when I first arrived.

I stepped into the room and smiles lit up all of their little faces.

"Princess, its an honor" the girl said

"Amber!" Lilly said jumping up and hugging my leg tightly

I shook the girls hand before picking Lilly up.

"Hey Lilly are these your friends?" I asked

She nodded playing with my hair.

"Would you like some help around here?" I asked Stephanie

"Do you have time?" She asked

"Of course" I said setting Lilly down

"Thank you Princess" she said with a huge smile

"No problem, please call me Amber" I told her as I walked over to a counter where it looked like lunches were being prepared.

I put hand sanitizer on making sure my hands were clean before filing each plate with a sandwich, chips, apple slices, and a piece of candy.

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