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     Kyle made his way into his office and tried to call his mom. Her cell phone went to voicemail, so he called his dad's number and got the same result. He thought that was odd but figured they may be busy. So he sent off a text to Greg asking him to come up to his office. He powered up his computer and started looking up flights to New York while he waited. He thought about it and sent off an e-mail to his cousin who owned a big company in Dallas and had his own plane. After sending off that e-mail he looked up small airfields near Saddle Rock, NY.

      Greg came in and said "There sure is a lot of laughter going on in that kitchen. Something smells good though." Kyle grinned and said "Yeah Rebecca is distracting the girls with baking cookies. So come sit down, I want to run something by you." Greg took a seat across from him and said "Shoot." Kyle said "Rebecca got hired on the spot today at Titus. She starts in two weeks, so she will have to make a trip back to New York to have her stuff shipped here." Greg said "Hey man that's great that she got a job quickly. How long is she going to be gone?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders and said "She thinks she can schedule a pick up with the movers, fly up there for the appointment and drive back. I don't want her driving back alone."

     Greg said "That's understandable. I wouldn't want my woman driving that far alone either. So you want me to take care of the ranch and the kids for a few days?" He smiled at his friend before replying "Well you won't be alone. Katie will be here during the day and Alice will be staying here too. Molly and Lucy can help out as well. They have their school work with them so you don't have to take them anywhere. If we drive straight through it's around 23 hours without stops. If we stop over night i'd say 36 hours." Greg said "So she's having everything shipped? You'll have to wait on movers to schedule a pickup? Why not just rent a u-haul and drive it back? You can use a car dolly to haul her car." Kyle laughed and said "I didn't think about that, i'll talk to her about it. I just want to be sure you are ok here with Addie. I know were having to watch her for signs and i'm worried over leaving her behind." Greg said "Man she will be fine. If they were worried she would be in the hospital. Talk to Rebecca and just let me know when you will be leaving."

       Kyle nodded his head and started going over ranch business with Greg. A short while later there was a knock on the door, when Kyle called to come in Rebecca popped her head in. She said "Hope i'm not interrupting." Kyle said "You never could Darlin'. Come on in and tell us what's going on." She stepped through with Addie right behind her carrying a plate with some cookies on it. Rebecca was watching closely to make sure the plate didn't tip or Addie didn't fall. Kyle's heart flipped in his chest and he realized this is what life would be like with Rebecca. Addie got over to him and said "Cookies Daddy."

       Kyle scooped her up and said "Did you make these Baby?" She smiled and said "Yes, Becca too." He said "Well then they have to be the best cookies, right Greg?" Addie looked at Greg and he said "Sure are especially since the little sprite made them." Addie smiled as big as she could as they both grabbed a cookie and took a bite. Both men made appreciative noises to make her giggle. She looked up and said "I find Bubba!" They watched as she slowly made her way to the door. Greg said "How about a ride Sprite? I've got to head to the barn anyway."

     Kyle stood up, went to Rebecca and pulled her close. He kissed her softly and said "Thank You." She smiled and said "For what?" He said " So many things. Letting Addie help you, answering my ad, being you." She placed her hand on his face and looked at him tenderly. He slowly and thoroughly kissed her again so she would have no doubt how he was feeling. When he pulled back he said "I want to talk to you about a few things. If you are in a hurry to get back to the kitchen we can do it later." She said "I'm all yours Kyle. Molly and Lucy are making more batches of cookies."

       Kyle lead her over to his chair and pulled her down onto his lap. She laughed and said "Are the other chairs broken?" He grinned and said "Nope just wanted you where I can hold onto you." She leaned in and kissed him before saying "Don't get distracted now. You wanted to talk about something." He said "Yeah about this trip you have to make. You said you would have to meet movers, wait for them to load up everything and then drive back right?" She nodded her head and said "I looked up the schedules and the two closest wouldn't be able to fit me in until next week, by that time mom should be back here."

     He said " What if I offer an alternative solution?" She looked at him and said "I'm listening." He said "What if we fly up there together, rent a u-haul and load your stuff ourselves? We can hook your car up to a dolly and pull it behind the u-haul. It would at the most take us 3 days." She said "We? What about the kids?" He laughed and said "Greg will keep them here. He knows how to handle whatever may come up, plus the girls are here and Alice. Katie will still be taking care of them during the day. They've stayed here on the ranch before when i've had to go out for auctions." She said "What about Addie's numbers?" He said "Then it's best she stays close to her doctors. Really her Cardiologist doesn't think she needs to be in the hospital. He said she should be fine until they schedule her test. I really don't like the idea of you driving back alone Darlin'."

      Rebecca smiled and snuggled into him before replying "If you think the kids will be alright I would love to have you with me Kyle. I'll start looking at the u-haul place and see when we can rent one. When do you want to leave?" He said "Let me call my cousin and see when we can get the plane." She looked confused and said "Plane?" He kissed her on the nose and laughed. He decided to explain about his cousin owning a jet and it being easier for them to fly in. She was just about to reply when his phone rang. He looked down at the screen and said "It's Mom Darlin' I need to take this." She got up and made her way out the door as he answered the call.

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