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          Kyle looked up and saw the doctor come into the room followed by the nurse with Addie's daily medicine. Kyle turned and shook the Doctor's hand and said "So Doc, what are we looking at?" He said " Her Echo showed what I expected it to Kyle. I paged the cardiac surgeon on call to see what he thinks. She's on a monitor to watch her oxygen saturation, if she drops to 92 were going to have to put her on oxygen i'm afraid. The x-rays showed no significant change which is good. I honestly think we will need to open her back up and fix what is going on. We will know more once the blood work comes back."

        Kyle sighed and said "I was afraid of that. So now we wait and see what the surgeon and blood work says?" The Doctor said "I'll let you know as soon as I talk to the surgeon and get the text results back Kyle. For now you rest and keep that little girl as happy and comfortable as possible." Kyle looked around the room at the people he loved most and smiled at Rebecca holding his little girl. She looked up at him worried and said "Should you call Greg and the girls? What about your parents?"

       Kyle said "I'll call Greg and touch bases with him but we don't have any final answers yet so i'll just call and let Mom know she's in here to be checked. Do you want something to drink Baby?" Rebecca nodded and smiled at him as he went to walk out of the door. He got halfway through and turned back around, walking straight to her. She said "Did you forget something?" He smiled, bent down and kissed her deeply. He lifted his head and said "I couldn't leave you without a kiss Baby." He was smirking at her dazed look as he exited the room to go find the vending machine.

      Rebecca shook her head and slowly smiled at his antics. She gently laid Addie against her pillow and slid out of the bed. She decided to pick up her phone and text her sister, who answered a moment later.

R: How's the girls?

A: They are worried and sad but okay. How's Addie? What are they saying?

R: Tell the girls it's going to be alright. I will call them as soon as I know the final word on what is going on. The doctor isn't liking what he is seeing, possible surgery waiting to find out so don't say anything yet. Kyle is suppose to be calling Greg right now.

A: That sucks! Greg is out in the barn taking care of the stock.

R: Look at you sounding all rancher like :-P

A: Lol! Shut up! That's what he said he was doing!

R: Lol.. How's Mom?

A: She's fine I talked to her an hour ago, they started her on a stronger antibiotic.

R: Infection is a big risk after a surgery like hers sadly. Hey Al can you do me a big favor?

A: Sure, what is it?

R: Don't leave the girls alone much. I know they are just heartbroken and I wish I was there to comfort them. I wish I could be in all these places at once.

A: Don't worry Becca, i'll treat them like my own sisters.

R: Thanks Al, I love you!

A: Love you too Sis. Hug those babies when they wake up for me and call the minute you know something!

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