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       The prep work for Addie's heart cath began at 7 o'clock the next morning. Greg, the girls, and Alice arrived to see her around 8:15 am. They were just about to capacity in the room when Katie and her husband Mike walked in. They were laughing at a joke Mike told when the nurse came into the room. The nurse cleared her throat and said "Okay guys it's time for kisses. They are ready for her downstairs, we will go down and give her the anesthesia. She's already had her goofy juice and looks like it has kicked in very well."

      They all came by her bed one by one and placed a kiss on her head. Each taking a moment to whisper that they loved her. When they wheeled her down the hall to the cath lab, Rebecca held her hand and walked next to the bed. The nurse smiled gently and said "I know you aren't use to this side of things but you will have to wait here in the waiting room. I'll check in when she's fully under and they are starting the heart cath."

     Rebecca smiled and struggled to speak but finally said "Thank You. Take care of our girl." The nurse placed a gentle hand on her arm, to show her she understood. As she wheeled Addie away, Kyle wrapped his arms around her from behind and together they watched their daughter disappear behind the closed doors. Kyle hugged her tight and said "Come on Baby, let's go wait for an update."

    They walked into the waiting room just a few feet from those very doors where Addie had gone. Alice handed them both a cup of coffee and they settled in to wait for news from the nurses. They all tried to joke around and keep the spirits high but Kyle noticed Rebecca's smile wasn't quite there.

       He leaned closer and whispered "She's going to be okay." She gave him a sad smile and whispered back "I know, just wish I was back there holding her hand. I know she's not aware we aren't with her but still." Kyle kissed her temple and said "It's hard isn't it?" She looked confused and said "What is?" He smirked and said "The struggle of being torn between being a nurse, knowing you should be back there and being a mother who has to wait?" She sighed and said "That part is hard, I wish they would let me back there."

      He slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer against him. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder tilting her head up to meet his lips in a sweet kiss. They sat that way until the phone rang and Rebecca jumped up and grabbed it. Kyle watched her softly reply to the call and hang up the phone. She walked back to him and said "They are starting now, we should hear something in an hour."

       Greg stood up and said "I'm going to run down and get us some drinks from the cafe. Any special requests?" Everyone gave him their orders and he quickly put them on a list in his phone. Lucy made her way over to Rebecca's side, Rebecca saw the tears in the younger girl's eyes and opened her arms to her. Lucy slid into her embrace and sniffled. Rebecca smoothed her hair down and whispered "Oh Honey I know this is all upsetting. How are you holding up?"

     Lucy whispered in a slightly broken voice "I'm scared for Addie. I miss Mom & Dad and can't hardly think about Uncle Luke." Rebecca said "Addie is a fighter and will make it through this with a huge smile on her beautiful face. I bet after we get Addie back to the room we can set up a video chat so you can talk to your parents and see them too. Will that make things a little better?"

     Lucy nodded her head but kept silent. Rebecca could feel the little girl's tears on her shirt and squeezed her tighter before saying "Eventually it will get easier to think about your Uncle Luke. It won't hurt quiet as bad to remember him and the good times you've had together. If you need to talk you have so many people who will understand and sit down and listen to you. All you have to do is say something Honey. If all you need is a good long hug we're here for that too."

     Rebecca squeezed her tighter for a second and Lucy whispered "I sure hope you marry Kyle and become my sister." Rebecca smiled and said "No matter what happens between me and Kyle I will always be here for you Lucy."

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