Rebecca read Kyle's e-mail and wondered if she should give him her information. The truth was she hated the waiting game through e-mail, so she sent him the information and signed into Facebook. She waited only a few minutes before the request showed up and she quickly accepted it. She was smiling when she sent him the message saying hi. He quickly responded and she grinned.
K: Hello Rebecca, nice to meet you!
R: Nice to meet you too Kyle! So has the doctor came in?
K: Yeah he came in, the news wasn't great. He's scheduling more testing.
R: Oh i'm sorry to hear that! She's adorable though!
K: Thanks! I think so but then I can be a little bias.
R: I want you to know I wasn't ignoring your questions in the e-mail just seemed easier to answer once we were here.
K: That's alright I really will understand if you don't want to talk about it.
R: If I tell you mine will you tell me yours?
K: Lol is that like show me yours and I show you mine? of course I will Rebecca I want to get to know you.
R: Alright Martin is his name. We were together two years, I got off work early and ran to my apartment to change before going to surprise him at work with dinner since he told me he had to work late. I heard a noise in my room and thought it was my cat, I went back there to see what he had knocked over and found Martin screwing my best friend in my bed.
Kyle could feel himself getting pissed, how could that idiot throw away someone like Rebecca?? He could already tell she was different, special. He took a deep breath and let it out before replying to her. Just as he was about to reply the nurse came in to give him instructions. He gladly took them and loaded up Addie before walking out of the office. He stopped to look at the messenger, there was another message from her.
R: Kyle?
K: Sorry Honey they were giving me instructions on Addie. He's an asshole. What did you do?
R: It's ok. So they didn't hear me come in because they were so busy, so I went to the fridge where I keep a large pitcher of ice cold water. Grabbed it and because I knew Lila would tell our friends I was lying I took a couple pictures. Once that was all done I dumped the entire thing over the two of them. I've never seen anyone move that fast.
K: Lol! They deserved it! So have you heard from them?
R: They have both tried to call over and over. But I got him to admit before I kicked him out that day he had been seeing her for 6 months. They were using my apartment as their little get away while I was at work.
K: Do you answer when they call?
R: Never. I even changed my cell number so they didn't have it!
K: I sure wish they didn't do that to you, but then I guess you wouldn't have answered my ad!
R: Lol, that's true and i'm even more glad I did ;-) So your turn....
Kyle sighed and push the stroller along stopping to reply to her and Tyler was getting frustrated. Tyler said "Daddy can I push Addie while you type?" Kyle looked down and laughed stepping aside to make sure Tyler could see over the handle bar. He grinned at how grown up Tyler was becoming.
K: I just got scolded by my 5 year old!
R: Why? lol
K: Because evidently he's hungry and I keep stopping on the walk to the cafe to reply. He asked if he could push Addie while I type!
R: That's so adorable!
K: That i'm stopping to type or him scolding me?
R: Both!
K: You are adorable Rebecca.
R: Oh Kyle you have me blushing again!
K: good i'm glad! Ok so I owe you my story.
R: Yes you do so spill mister!
K: My ex-wife didn't want to be a wife and mother anymore. Things hadn't been good between us after she became pregnant with Addie. To be truthful after her reaction to finding out she was pregnant again, I didn't even try to touch her. When Tyler was born she seemed to enjoy being a mom, but as he got older the new wore off I guess. When she found out about Addie , she actually suggested getting rid of her. We argued badly and she agreed not to kill our daughter and I agreed not to ask her for anything. Some friends of mine told me they had seen her flirting with guys in town, even when she was almost due with Addie. I met Sarah when I was 28, she was 25. We dated and married a year later, she got pregnant not long after. Things were good for a while but she didn't like being tied down. When Addie was a month old I came in from being out with the cattle to find a empty house and a note saying the kids were at my mom's and she wasn't coming back. She had met some surfer from California and ran off with him.
K: I filed for Divorce two days later, filed for full custody. It took the lawyer 2 weeks to locate her. She signed without protest, in the orders I had it stipulated that she was never to contact me or the children again and she had to sign away all parental rights. She couldn't sign fast enough. When it was all finalized she told me in front of the lawyers she was glad to be rid of me and the 'brats' her words not mine.
Rebecca sat there in shock. What kind of person could leave behind this wonderful man and those two sweet children?? She looked down and saw her hands were shaking as the shock turned to anger on their behalf. She knew those babies needed someone to love them, yes they had Kyle but every child needs a mother.
R: What a worthless bitch! You are better off if that's how she was, those poor babies! I know you were probably hurt and i'm sorry for that but she deserves to have her ass kicked.
K: Like your ex.. probably a good thing i'm in Texas. lol
R: Would you if you were here?
K: I'd be damn tempted to teach him a lesson or two... hell i'm already tempted
R: I think that's sweet Kyle ;)
K: lol good i'm glad... so when are you moving?
R: I'm not sure yet. I have to find a place and apply there and all that so hopefully soon. I am planning a trip to come to see my mom & sister in 2 weeks. They live in south west Oklahoma. It's only a few hours from Dallas.
K: What town?
R: Broken Bow
K: Really?????
R: Yeah , Why? Do you know it?
K: It's only an hour maybe hour and a half from the ranch.
R: Wow.
K: Maybe while you are here we can really meet.
R: Yeah Maybe :) I'd like that.
Lonely Cowboy Looking For....
RomanceKyle is a single father of two children, one with special needs. He's tired of being lonely. His friends suggest posting an ad online to see whats out there. Rebecca is a pediatric nurse who's life just isn't what she wants. She wants a family and...