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     Kyle and Rebecca stayed around the house that day playing with the kids. They tried several times to get Addie to eat and drink, she would take a little here and there but not a lot at once. The girls didn't do their work that day, the just sat around and read. There was a mixture of pain, sadness, and worry floating around the house. Finally Kyle couldn't take it anymore and said "We're going to go for a ride. Girls go saddle up your horses, and Gracie for Rebecca."

     Kyle sent a text off to Greg asking him to ready his horse and Tyler's. Rebecca walked over to him and slipped into his arms. He sighed as he laid his head on top of her's gathering strength. She kissed his chest and said "It's going to be alright you know. I'm going to take her vitals again before we go. Will there be a way to take my bag with us?" He kissed her forehead and smiled before saying "Yes, i'll have Greg add some saddle bags."

     They stayed that way for several long minutes before she went off to do Addie's vitals. She came back with her phone in hand several minutes later, she was frowning and almost walked straight into Kyle. He said "So what's the word on her vitals?" She said "Not a lot of change. She at 93, still not hungry, she's only taken in 6 oz total fluids, heart rate 93, respiratory rate 25, Blood Pressure 93/69. I texted her doctor, waiting on a response. Her color looks a little better."

       He sighed and said "I hate to say this but I think she needs to go in." She took his hand and said "Let's wait to see what the doctor says. If he wants us to load her up and go to Dallas that's what we will do. For now why don't we go take that ride?" He nodded his head and started loading up some drinks in a bag for the ride. They both knew it would take the doctor a while to get back to them and the best thing they could do was to make the best of the time they had to wait.

      They were riding for a little over an hour when her phone went off. She pulled it out and looked at the doctor's response. She pulled her horse to a stop so she could reply and Kyle rode over to her to see what was up. He said "Is it the doctor?" She nodded her head as she continued to text the doctor and he said "What is he saying?" She looked up and said "He wants to see her, he's trying to make some arrangements since there is no way we would be there before the office closed. Let's start back, how close are we to the house?"

       He sighed and said "If we speed up a to a trot, 10 minutes. We were working our way back anyway, so it won't be too bad. You think we will have to go tonight?" She sighed and said "It's possible Babe. I hate to leave Tyler though, we just got back." Kyle sighed and said "We can just take him with us, the girls are going to fight to go to but until we know what is going on they can stay here with Alice and Greg."

     They let the girls know they needed to get back and picked the pace up to a trot. Once back at the barn Kyle handed Addie to Rebecca and said "You go on and i'll put up the horses, the girls can help me. I'll let them know what is going on." He leaned close and kissed her cheek close to her ear before whispering "Let me know if we need to go Baby."

       Kyle was just finishing putting the tack away when Rebecca came out the back door. She walked over to him and he knew what she was going to say, before he could speak she said "He's waiting for us, We will be going straight to the Main Admissions Desk. I'm suppose to text him when we are close. I hope you aren't mad but I already packed the kids' bags for a few days."

      He pulled her close and kissed her deeply and said "Why would I be mad? You're just doing what a mother would Baby. Have I told you today how lucky I am?" She smiled up at him and said "Only once or twice. Come on Cowboy, you have to pack so we can go find out what we will be facing." They both walked into the house hand in hand, ready to face the next chapter together.

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