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      Kyle watched the two of them quietly whispering and could see the bond that had formed between the two. He was happy they were getting close, and really hoped Rebecca would agree to marry him. He sat there thinking about what the future may hold, when the phone rang again. He got up to answer it but Rebecca beat him to it. He watched her listen intently before thanking the nurse. She turned to him, smiling before saying "She's doing okay. They will check in again in an hour." She walked back over to him and he wrapped his arms around her.

      She let out a sigh, because being in his arms made her relax even in this stressful situation. Her feelings for this man and his children ran deeper than she had ever felt. She knew without a doubt that with him is where she would always belong. The waiting was driving her insane, she wanted Addie back in her arms, safe where she could watch over her. She looked up at her sister across the room, who gave her a knowing smile. Her phone beeped and she looked down to see a text from Alice. She grinned when she read it, Welcome to Motherhood Sis.

       She didn't bother to respond and just sent her sister a soft smile. Kyle whispered "I'll be right back Darlin', need to update my parents." She whispered back "Alright, I'll let you know if there is another update." He kissed her forehead before standing and leaving the waiting room. As soon as he was out the door, Tyler came to sit in his spot next to Rebecca. She immediately put her arm around him and said "Are you getting hungry Buddy?" He shook his head and just laid his head on her shoulder. She smiled and placed a soft kiss in his hair.

          She knew sometimes you just needed to be held and it seemed that is what Tyler needed. She sent her sister another look and noticed Greg watching Alice with Bella. She smiled with the thought that maybe her sister would find love too, if she gave a certain cowboy a chance. Rebecca heard a soft snore and looked down to find Tyler had fallen asleep.

       Just then Kyle came back into the room and saw the two of them. He smiled, quietly made his way to her side, whispering in her ear "How long has he been out?" She whispered back, "Only a moment." He sighed and took a seat across from them watching his son sleep in her arms. She noticed he kept watching his watch, she raised her eyebrow at him as he checked it for the 4th time. He rose from his seat and came over to her. He gently lifted Tyler and she grabbed a pillow and blanket to cover him.

         When they both set back down she leaned closer and said "Why were you checking your watch?" He said "I was waiting until he was asleep enough to move out of my spot, so I could be next to my woman." Rebecca couldn't help laughing at the look he gave her. She kissed him just as the phone rang. She cut the kiss short to answer. He watched as her face lit up and she hung up the phone. She said "She's out and heading to recovery in just a few moments. We can be in the hall to see her go by but it will be about 30 minutes before we can go into recovery."

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