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Kyle was filling a second thermos of coffee just how Rebecca liked it when she walked into the kitchen 15 minutes later. She walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist. She knew he was smiling even before she looked at his face. She said "Please tell me that is coffee!" He started laughing and handed her the mug he had already fixed for her. She grinned and leaned up to give him a quick kiss before saying "Cowboy you sure know how to great a gal." He shook his head at her antics and knew their life would be full of fun and laughter, she was everything he could ever hope for when he placed that ad.

Greg walked through the door then, and said "Shouldn't you two be hitting the road?" Kyle grinned and said "We will be shortly, gotta let Rebecca get some coffee into herself. I've got us some breakfast packed up and in the truck." Rebecca sipped on her coffee as Kyle went over instructions for the kids and his sisters schedules. He said "Greg you will have to make sure the girls are doing their school work each evening. I e-mailed you a copy of what they are suppose to be doing each day. I also printed a copy and put it on the fridge, but I expect that to disappear sometime after we leave. They won't think I would have e-mailed you a copy. If they give you too much trouble tell them you are calling me, and they aren't allowed in the barn until their work is complete." 

Greg said "Kyle stop worrying. I can handle those two and anything else that comes up, you two just be safe and get what needs doing done." He walked over ,slung his arm around Rebecca's shoulders before winking down to her , and saying " You keep him in line Becca, if he gets outta line you just let me know and i'll take him behind the barn when you get back." Rebecca started laughing at the look on Kyle's face at his friend's teasing, when she stopped laughing enough to respond "Who says he will be the one who gets outta line?" Kyle choked on his coffee at the shocked look on Greg's face, Greg just shook his head and headed out to the barn without another word.

Kyle said "Let's go check on the kids, but then we have to leave." They walked into Addie's room and checked her numbers and kissed her goodbye, before heading to Tyler's room where he was sound asleep. Kyle took her hand and led her to the truck helping her in and kissing her softly before getting in himself. They chatted all the way to the airport, and when they arrived, they were quickly ushered onto the plane. The Pilot, a guy named Duke, informed then they would be taking off in 15 minutes.

Kyle made sure Rebecca was seated and comfortable before taking the seat next to her. He said "So we will be landing at the business strip next to the main airport but there will be a car to take us to pick up your truck." She smiled and said "I'm not use to having things handled for me, it's kind of nice. We will have to stop at the store in town and pick up some more stuff for the trip home and packing stuff. I think we should have plenty of time before we pick up the truck." He took her hand and said "We will do it after if not and grab some lunch at somewhere you love. You can show me your hometown."

Duke walked through and said "We're ready to take off. Once were in the air y'all can move about the plane, take a nap in the bedroom or whatever you choose to do. We don't have a flight attendant today so make yourselves at home. Kyle, Mitch said to behave yourself." Kyle started laughing and nodded his head. Duke made his way to the front of the plane, and Kyle said "Why is it everyone is warning me to behave?" She laughed and said "I don't know maybe they think you will take advantage of the little city girl, you big bad cowboy you." They both were laughing until they felt the plane start to lift off and Rebecca gripped his hand tighter. She whispered "I really don't like to fly." Kyle pulled her closer and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry Baby, i'll take care of you and keep you safe always."

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