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       After the kids were in bed that night, Kyle and Rebecca were cuddled on the couch watching a movie. She turned her head to him and said "I really don't want to leave even for a few days. I know we need to and that Greg and Alice can take care of everyone. I just don't want to leave." Kyle said "Just think though, once it's over and were back you don't have to worry about it. I reserved the truck for pickup tomorrow around noon. I say we leave here about 5, that will put us at the airport around 7:30. We should take off by 8 am, and arrive there around 10, New York time. Will that give us time to pick up Lucifer, drop him off and Get to the truck place?"

       She smiled and said "Should be plenty of time. If all goes well we should be able to be loaded up and on the road home tomorrow night. If we leave early enough we might only be gone 2 days." He laughed and pulled her close before kissing her softly. When they both pulled back he placed his forehead to hers and said "I really like it when you call the ranch home." She softly laughed and said "It feels like home. Here with you and the kids."

     Kyle felt his heart flip in his chest and said "I'm really glad you feel that way. It does feel right having you here with us." They sat that way whispering to each other for nearly an hour before they agreed it was time to go to bed as they had to get up super early. Kyle and Rebecca stopped in Addie's room to check her numbers, which were still around 96%, before heading off to their separate rooms.

      The next morning around 4 am, Kyle crept into Rebecca's room to wake her. He noticed a little lump beside her and went to investigate. As he approached the other side of the bed he saw Tyler curled up next to her with Rebecca's arms surrounding him. His breath caught in his throat and he slowly snapped a picture. He knew in that moment that she was the woman he would marry one day, and hopefully have more children with.

    Though he hated to do it, he walked to her side of the bed and gently woke her up. When she opened her eyes and smiled at him he kissed her forehead and said "Time to get up Baby. We need to get ready to go soon." She said "Alright, should we wake him?" Kyle was about to answer when Tyler turned over and cuddled closer to Rebecca, he opened his eyes and said "Hi Daddy." Kyle said "Hey Bud, Rebecca has to get up now. We have to leave soon for the airport." Tyler nodded his head and looked up at Rebecca, he said "How long will you be gone?" Rebecca kissed his forehead and said "Two , maybe three days. It depends how long it takes us to load everything up."

       He said "I could go and carry stuff too!" Kyle laughed and Rebecca said "I'm sure you could help us, but we need you here to help look after Addie and Bella. We will be back as soon as we can, then you will get to meet my cat." Tyler laughed and said "Alice says he will swat at Daddy!" Rebecca laughed with him and said "He might, he doesn't like guys near me. He's a protective little cat." Tyler hugged Rebecca and then his dad before running off to his room. Kyle watched him go before turning to Rebecca and saying "I think he likes you."

        Rebecca looked up at him and smiled before replying "I'm glad he does. What about his Daddy?" Kyle growled and pulled her up and out of the bed, straight to his chest and said "You know his daddy likes you a lot." He kissed her deeply and pulled back a few moments later. He said "You better get dressed Baby before were late getting to the airport. I'm going to let Greg know we will be leaving soon." Rebecca slapped him on his butt as he turned to walk away and couldn't help but break into giggles when he looked back over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. He shook his head and walked out the door as she smirked before turning to the closet to get ready.

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