Chapter 1

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Katniss POV:

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Katniss POV:

I was lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. It was a Monday and I had to go to school. We lived in forks, Washington. I decided I better get up so I walked into my closet and changed.

 I decided I better get up so I walked into my closet and changed

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And put on my necklace with the Cullen family crest.

I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs only to bump into a wall

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I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs only to bump into a wall. And by wall I mean Emmett.

"Watch were your going Kat" He picked me up.
"Well you shouldn't have been in the way"

I walked by him into the kitchen. Esme was making breakfast. I sat at the counter.

"Morning" She placed a plate in front of me
"THank you"
"Your welcome"

I ate breakfast quickly and ran out the door saying a quick bye to Carlisle and Esme and a 'seya later' to the others. I ran to my car and drove to school. 

I arrived half an hour later

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I arrived half an hour later. As usual, my siblings were already there.I threw my car keys to Jasper and went to my locker and meet with my friends,



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Clove is like me, half vampire

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Clove is like me, half vampire. The two boys are shapeshifters. They are protective of us. The boys and Clove  are like family to me. Much to the dismay of my brothers.

"Hey guys"
"Hey Kat" Clove said.
"Ready for a day of torcher" I asked.
"Are we ever" Josh asked.

We walked to English and sat at the back of the classroom. We were learning 'Romeo and Juliet'. Boring, I know. Anyway, we chatted the whole class and soon the bell went. We ran out of the classroom and Clove and I walked to dance training. We had it for two classes, double. We said hi to everyone and got changed. We had competition and it was in our school. Everyone from school was going. I had a solo, duet with Clove and was in the group. 

Soon we were at lunch and I walked to my family. We chatted about our day so far and when the bell went I walked to Biology with Edward. I was closer to Edward more then the others, probably because we were the only ones in the family without a mate. We spent most of our time together. We would go to the piano and he would play while I sing. 

We walked to our seats, which was beside each other, and chatted until the teacher walked in. Behind him, a new girl walked in. Edward tensed and I looked at him. He just shook his head. She sat beside me and I learned her name was Bella. The bell went signaling the end of class. Edward ran out, humanly obviously, and I followed him. We were finished for the day so I got in his car and he  drove.

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